Economics Computer Lab

Use the Following for the Personal Finance Activities:

Credit Scores

1. Use the following links to complete the activity:

 Infographic Fed 

Video Explanation

3 C's of Credit

8. Go to the following website to determine your current “Credit Score.”

MY email address to enter for "Teacher"-

Use the link to access an “Auto Loan Calculator”  on the 2nd to LAST PAGE.

Credit Cards

2. Use the link to answer the question: What is an APR? 

3. Compare Credit Card offers from 4 different institutions: 


 Read Soft Skills and answer the following questions

1. According to the article, what are the main functions of academic standards? 

2. List three ways students demonstrate their academic skills. 

3. Give four examples of soft skills or professional qualities discussed in the article. 

4. What school opportunities can help you develop soft skills? 

5. Why does competition for available positions increase during economic recessions? 

6. What are the top two reasons for termination listed in the article? 

7. Based on the figure in the article, in what year was the youth unemployment rate the lowest? 

8. Based on the article, list three characteristics that could prevent employers from hiring a candidate.


Read Education, Income, and Wealth and answer the following questions

1. Define the following terms in your own words, then label each as either a “stock” or a “flow.”

2. Explain why the relationship between education and income might not be as simple as it first appears.

3. What is necessary to turn income into wealth?

4. Describe how the following financial habits contribute to well-educated families’ ability to build wealth over time: 

            a. Liquidity 

            b. Diversification 

            c. Low debt relative to assets