Jeff Gilleland's Home Page

Points of interest:

 Recommended reading:

- The Eternal World:By: Clark Ashton Smith   "Dimly the earth-man saw the inconceivable vastness to which the Eternal Ones had attained. He beheld their glimmering outlines, the vague masses of their forms, with stars behind them, seen as through the luminous veil of comets. He was perched on a nebular thing, huge as the orbit of systems, and moving with more than the velocity of light, that strode through unnamed galaxies, through never-charted dimensions of space and time. He felt the immeasurable eddying of ether, he saw the labyrinthine swirling of stars, that formed and faded and were replaced by the fleeing patterns of other stellar mazes. In sublime security, in his sphere of dream-like ease and motion, Chandon was borne on without knowing why or whither; and, like the participant of some prodigious dream, he did not even ask himself such questions as these."    ~ Read on ~ or just sit back and listen in wounder...
 and more.. The Coming of the White Worm The City of the Singing Flame The Door to Saturn A Star-Change
Read many of these on PDF from original Wounder Stories archives

Golden Gate Chapter VVWCA Kelley Park 2021 - TBA

Golden Gate Chapter VVWCA  Kelley Park 2019 is Sunday April 14ththe Vintage Volkswagen Club of AmericMy stuff on The Samba
A Sierran SunriseBy: Clark Ashton SmithLook yonder, where the whitened orient skiesGrow splendid with the radiance of the dawn,O'er regal mountains that majestic riseWith misty purple robes about them drawn.The painting of the masterpiece beholdThat every morn, before our careless eye,Nature portrays, in crimson and in gold,Upon the canvas of the earth and sky.Mark what unequaled and supernal hues —Ever the artist's dream and his despair —She doth, with art supreme, unrivaled use,To limn her vision wonderful and fair.Long-sought, elusive Beauty here descends,And for a moment unto Nature s handHer star-caught skill and inspiration lends,Whence springs this dawn miraculous and grand. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sierra_Nevada_(U.S.) 


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contact me:Jeff

~ Last updated Jan. 2025 ~