
Complete List of Publications

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Partial Hegemony: Oil Politics and International Order (Oxford University Press 2021)

Petro-Aggression: When Oil Causes War (Cambridge University Press 2013)

The Promise and Peril of International Trade (Broadview Press 2005)

Selected Articles

“Oil and Power: The effectiveness of state threats on markets” (Review of International Political Economy 2021, with V. McFarland). View PDF

"Asset Revaluation and the Existential Politics of Climate Change" (International Organization 2021, with J. Green and T. Hale). View PDF

“Is Cheap Gasoline Killing Us? Fuel subsidies and under-taxation as a driver of obesity and public health problems worldwide” (Energy Research & Social Science 2021, with M. Hinthorn). View PDF

“Oil and Security: The necessity of political economy” (Journal of Global Security Studies 2020). View PDF

“Three Visions of International Order” (The Washington Quarterly 2019). View PDF

"What Drives Norm Success? Evidence from anti–fossil fuel campaigns” (Global Environmental Politics 2019, with M. Blondeel and T. Van de Graaf). View PDF

“Rival Hierarchies and the Origins of Nuclear Technology Sharing” (International Studies Quarterly 2019, with N. Miller). View PDF

“American Perspectives and Blind Spots on World Politics” (Journal of Global Security Studies, 2019). View PDF

"American Bias in Global Security Studies Data” (Journal of Global Security Studies 2019). View PDF

"Climate Change and the Politics of Military Bases" (Global Environmental Politics 2018). View PDF

"Energy and International Conflict” (In The Oxford Handbook of Energy Politics 2018, with J. Stockbruegger). View PDF

“Russian Gas Games or Well-Oiled Conflict? Energy security and the 2014 Ukraine crisis” (Energy Research & Social Science 2017, with T. Van de Graaf). View PDF

“Gender Bias in International Relations Graduate Education? New evidence from syllabi” (PS: Political Science & Politics 2017). View PDF

“A Crude Reversal: The political economy of the United States crude oil export policy” (Energy Research & Social Science 2017, with T. Van de Graaf). View PDF

“Revolutionary Pathways: Leaders and the international impacts of domestic revolutions” (International Interactions 2017, with E. Lucas). View PDF

"Where is IR Going? Evidence from graduate training," (International Studies Quarterly 2016). View PDF

“The Abandoned Ice sheet Base at Camp Century, Greenland, in a Warming Climate” (Geophysical Research Letters 2016, with W. Colgan et al). View PDF

“Global Energy Governance: a review and research agenda” (Palgrave Communications 2016, with T. Van de Graaf). View PDF

"Revolution, Personalist Dictatorships, and International Conflict” (International Organization 2015, with Jessica Weeks). View PDF

“Oil, Domestic Conflict, and Opportunities for Democratization” (Journal of Peace Research 2015). View PDF

“Mechanisms of Informal Governance: Evidence from the IEA” (Journal of International Relations and Development 2015, with T. Van de Graaf). View PDF

“Reflections on the Political Economy of Decolonization” (International History and Politics 2015). View PDF

"The Emperor Has No Clothes: The Limits of OPEC" (International Organization 2014). View PDF

“Oil, Domestic politics, and International Conflict” (Energy Research & Social Science 2014). View PDF

Reprinted in Steven et al., eds. 2014. The New Politics of Strategic Resources, Brookings Press. View PDF

"Fueling the Fire: Pathways from oil to war" (International Security 2013). View PDF

Related policy brief: "Oil, Conflict, and U.S. National Interests" (Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs 2013). View PDF

"Domestic Revolutionary Leaders and International Conflict" (World Politics 2013). View PDF

“Protecting Sovereignty, Protecting the Planet: Delegating Authority in Global Environmental Politics” (Governance 2013, with J. Green). View PDF

“Punctuated Equilibrium in the Energy Regime Complex” (The Review of International Organizations 2012, with R. Keohane and T. Van de Graaf). View PDF

“Measuring Revolution” (Conflict Management and Peace Science 2012). View PDF

“Oil and Resource-backed Aggression” (Energy Policy 2011). View PDF

“Venezuela and Military Expenditure Data” (Journal of Peace Research 2011). View PDF

“Oil and Conflict” (Technical brief for USAID, 2011). View PDF

"Oil and Revolutionary Governments: Fuel for international conflict” (International Organization 2010). View PDF

“The International Energy Agency – Challenges for the 21st Century” (Global Public Policy Institute Policy Paper Series 2009). View PDF

“Green or Greedy? Canada's Kyoto credits” (Policy Options 2002). View PDF