Below is a list of invited talks in international conferences and workshops.

NB: some of these were shot on video (these are hyperlinked below).

Here is a more exhaustive list of invited talks and presentations (local seminars and group meetings).

Does efficient value synthesis in the OFC explain how risk attitude adapts to the range of risk prospects?

   in BARCCSYN, Barcelona (Spain), 05/2024

Does synaptic plasticity in the OFC explain how risk attitude adapts to the range of risk prospects?

   in SBDM, Paris 06/2023 [VIDEO]

Cognitive biases: an introduction

   in "Les Défis de l'Adaptation" ITE webinar, Paris, 12/2022 [VIDEO]

The statistical comparison of computational models of brain and behavior

   in EMBO Summer School for Advanced Modeling of Behavior, Barcelona (Spain), 09/2022

Synaptic plasticity explains range adaptation in the orbitofrontal cortex and the irrational context-dependence of loss aversion

   - in Affective Brain online talk series, London (UK), 12/2021

   - in Computational and mathematical approaches for neuroscience, Paris, 06/2022

   - in NeuroAI, Seattle (USA), 10/2022

Playing with Theory of Mind: a (narrow) computational view on social cognition

   in iMind, CHU Le Vinatier, Lyon, 11/2021

Dynamic Causal Modelling for M/EEG: an introduction

    in Computational Psychiatry Course, ETH, Zurich (Switzerland), 09/2020

Computational neuromodeling: dynamic causal structures

    in Introduction to computational neuropsychiatry: from brain to cognition, Bordeaux, 12/2019

Group-level statistical inference

   in EMBO Summer School for Advanced Modeling of Behavior, Barcelona (Spain), 09/2019

Model-based assessment of brain-behaviour relationships

   in OHBM, Rome (Italy), 06/2019. [VIDEO]

Is laziness contagious? A computational approach to attitude aligngment

   in NeuroComp workshop, Paris, 06/2019

   in NeuroFrance - Société des Neurosciences, Marseille, 05/2019.

Playing with Theory of Mind: a (narrow) computational view on social cognition

  in New trends  in decision-making: computational cognitive social  neuroscience, Paris, 12/2018

Social intelligence: humans, primates and machines

  - in Neuroethics Network symposium, Paris, 06/2018

  - in joint UCL-ICM workshop, London (UK), 10/2017

  - in entretiens médicaux d'Enghien, Enghien, 10/2017

On the adaptive fitness of the social sense [pdf]

   in SMART school on computational and behavioural sciences, Paris (France), 09/2017

An introduction to effective connectivity [pdf]

   in Brain Conncetivity Workshop, Zurich (Switzerland), 06/2017

The evolution of mentalizing: a computational approach [pdf]

   in Lyon Active Inference Workshop, Lyon (France), 10/2016

Variational Bayesian analysis [pdf]

  - in Computational Psychiatry Course, ETH, Zurich (Switzerland), 12/2015 [VIDEO]

  - in Computational Psychiatry Course, ETH, Zurich (Switzerland), 09/2016 [VIDEO]

Behavioural, ethological and pathological aspects of Theory of Mind: lessons from Bayesian Decision Theory [pdf] [VIDEO]

  - in Symposium des Neurosciences Computationnelles, Paris (France), 06/2016

  - in Computational Psychiatry Course, ETH, Zurich (Switzerland), 12/2015

  - in Le Cerveau Prédictif, Lyon (France), 11/2015

  - in Computational Psychiatry Seminar, Donders Institute, Nijmigen (The Netherlands), 12/2016

On the adaptive fitness of the Bayesian Brain [pdf]

  - in Probabilistic Inference and the Brain, Collège de France, Paris (France), 09/2015

  - in Applibugs, AgroParisTech, Paris (France), 12/2016

Dynamic Causal Modelling: from networks to behaviour [pdf]

  in Images of the Mind, Milan (Italy), 04/2015

The evolution of mentalizing: a computational, behavioural and ethological approach [pdf]

  - in 4th Symposium on Biological Decision Making, ENS, Paris (France), 05/2014

  - in ENS Neuroeconomics Workshop, Paris (France), 03/2014

  - in Journées IXXI, Grenoble (France), 10/2013

Dynamic Causal Modelling of brain-behaviour relationships [pdf] [VIDEO]

  - in Neuroeconomics Seminar, Dpt. of Economics, Zurich (Switzerland), 05/2016

  - in Computational Psychiatry Course, ETH, Zurich (Switzerland), 12/2015

  - in Symposium des Neurosciences Computationnelles, Paris (France), 06/2014

  - in Statistical Challenges in Neurosciences, Warwick (UK), 09/2014

  - in 30th International Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology, Berlin (Germany), 03/2014

  - in Brainhack, Sèvres (France), 10/2013

Theory of Mind: lessons from inverse Bayesian decision Theory [pdf]

  in Free Energy Workshop, Berlin (Germany), 07/2013

How efficient is Dynamic Causal Modelling for fMRI? [pdf]

  - in DCM educational course, Francfort (Germany), 10/2014

  - in Organization for Computational Neuroscience, Université Paris-Descartes, Paris (France), 07/2013

Dynamic Causal Modelling: ten simple rules [pdf]

  - in DCM educational course, Francfort (Germany), 10/2014

  - in DCM educational course, Seattle (USA), 06/2013

Dynamic Causal Modelling: first principles [pdf]

  in OHBM, Seattle (USA), 06/2013

An electrophysiological validation of stochastic DCM for fMRI [pdf]

  in BIOMAG, Paris (France), 08/2012

DCM: advanced issues [pdf]

  - in SPM course, London (UK), 10/2013

  - in DCM educational course, Paris (France), 08/2012

Inverse Bayesian Decision Theory: statistical and cognitive perspectives [pdf] [VIDEO]

  in Free Energy Workshop, London (UK), 07/2012

Optimising experimental design for identifying networks in the brain using fMRI [pdf]

  in "Cost Efficient Experimental Designs for social and biomedical research", colloquium of the Royal Accademy of Sciences, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 04/2011

Dynamic Causal Modelling for EEG/MEG: principles [pdf]

  - in SPM EEG/MEG course, London (UK), 05/2013, 05/2014

  - in SPM EEG/MEG course, Lyon (France), 04/2012

Dynamic Causal Modelling for neuroimaging data: introduction [pdf]

  - in Neuroimaging Seminar, Geneva (Switzerland), 05/2014

  - in Amsterdam Brain Connectivity Workshop, Amsterdam (The Netherlands), 04/2012

  - in OHBM 2011, Quebec (Canada), 06/2011

Stochastic Dynamic Causal Modelling [pdf]

  - in NIPS 2009, Vancouver (Canada) 12/2009

  - in the “Inverse problems in brain imaging and multimodal data fusion” workshop, Montreal (Canada) 08/2009

  - in “the K. Worsley workshop on Computational Modeling of Brain Dynamics”, Bannf (Canada) 06/2009

Multivariate Bayesian (MVB) decoding of brain images [pdf]

  in SPM course, Edinburgh (UK), 04/2010, 04/2011, 04/2013

1st SPM for EEG/MEG course [54Mb zip: all ppts]

  in University of Seoul (Korea), 11/2008

Dynamic Causal Modelling for evoked responses [pdf] [VIDEO]

  - in SPM EEG/MEG course, London (UK), 10/2009, 05/2011, 05/2012, 05/2013, 05/2014

  - in Entretiens Jacques Cartier, Lyon (France) 12/2009

Dynamic Causal Modelling for fMRI [pdf]

  in SPM course, London (UK), 05/2015

Dynamic Causal Modelling for neuroimaging data [pdf]

  in OHBM 2010, Barcelona (Spain) 06/2010

An introduction to stochastic dynamics and their (variational) Bayesian inversion [pdf]

  in OHBM 2008, Melbourne (Australia) 06/2008

Observing the observer [pdf]

  in Brain Connectivity Workshop, Sydney (Australia) 06/2008

EEG/MEG source reconstruction [pdf]

  in SPM course, London (UK) 05/2009, 10/2009

Bayesian inference [pdf] [VIDEO]

  - in SPM course, London (UK) 05/2007, 05/2008, 10/2008, 05/2009, 05/2010, 05/2011, 05/2012, 10/2016

  - in SPM course, Zurich (Switzerland) 02/2009, 02/2010, 02/2011, 02/2012, 02/2013, 02/2014, 02/2015, 02/2016

  - in SPM course, Edinburgh (UK) 04/2010, 04/2011, 04/2013

Classical statistical inference in SPM [pdf]

  in SPM course, Edinburgh (UK), 04/2010, 04/2011

FMRI Group analysis in SPM [pdf]

  in SPM course, Edinburgh (UK), 04/2010, 04/2011

A mesostate-space model for EEG and MEG [pdf]

  - in COST Neuromaths, Rome (Italy), 12/2007

  - in Brain Modes, Berlin (Germany), 11/2007

  - in 1st British-Cuban workshop on neuroimaging, La Havana (Cuba), 11/2006

Variational Bayesian deterministic annealing approach for nonlinear stochastic dynamic systems [pdf]

  in Nonlinear dynamical analysis, St Petersburg, Russia, 06/2007