About JDA Home Inspection

  At JDA Home Inspection we strive for excellence in the home inspection industry. We are always looking for ways to excel in the industry and thus bring a better product to our customer base. With every inspection under our belt, we bring more and more knowledge to our next inspection bettering ourselves, intern administering a more professional, higher quality inspection for our customers. At JDA Home Inspection we pride ourselves on being competitive, hardworking, honest individuals whose

number one goal is customer satisfaction. We go the extra mile for our customers and our integrity and expertise show it. We know that without our customer base, we as a company would cease to exist and that is why it is our responsibility to ensure quality over quantity. JDA Home Inspection strives to be competitive in every facet of the market including: price, knowledge, reliability, professionalism, customer service, flexibility, adaptability, and report turnaround time. We use the most current, up-to-date, state of the art tools and procedures to help us administer the most thorough, accurate, unbiased assessment of property money can buy. With our goal being customer service and our name backing everything that we do, we will continue to bring the best, most qualified home inspection in the market. We do it our way because that is what our customers want and if we did it any other way it wouldn’t be the JDA way. We inspect the right way…the only way...the customer’s way… the JDA way.