Keyboard types

Under construction

    • the lKeyboard library
      • the Keyboard Key class
      • the Keyboard Event class
      • the Menu Key class: inherits from the Keyboard Key class
      • the Menu Event class: inherits from the Keyboard Event class

See also: Celx events / Key event


Installation and use


    1. Download lKeyboard.celx to your Celestia\scripts or libraries folder.
    2. Download dKeyboard.celx to your Celestia\scripts folder.

Use library

    1. For the discription of how to use the library see the explanation above or look at the demo.

Use demo

    1. Start Celestia and choose "File/Scripts/demo Keyboard" from the menubar. Or choose "File/Open Script...", navigate to your scripts folder, select "dKeyboard.celx" and choose "Open". The script will confirm it's running status by printing a short (main) menu on the screen.
    2. Press "r", "o" of "l" to select a group of flags to view or change the setting of. A (sub)menu for that group is now presented; press the keys to set or reset a specific flag.
    3. Press the "Enter" or "Backspace" key to return to the main groups menu again; choose a different flags group or
    4. press the "Enter" or "Backspace" key or any key other then "r", "o" of "l" to end the menu and return to celestia


Version 0.3, 19 aug 2011

Initial version (beta)