
' Jane Austen's Music - A Life-long Obsession', Planet Hugill, December 2023.

'The Musical Life of Jane Austen' , The New Historia, 2023.

'Wishing the Juvenilia Away: Jane Austen's Advice to Caroline', Journal of Juvenilia Studies, Volume 5 no. 2, 2023.

'"The Great Mrs Churchill Was No More": Death in the Novels of Jane Austen', Romanticism, Special issue 'Immortal Austen', Volume 29, no. 2, 2023.

Dangerous attractions and revolutionary sympathies: 5 Jane Austen facts revealed by music in The Conversation, July 2022.

'Jane Austen: The Musician as Author', Humanities, Special Issue on Jane Austen, ed. Sandie Byrne, published online June 2022.

'Jane Austen at the Concert: Jane's day out in Sydney Gardens' in Jane Austen's Regency World Mar/Apr 2022.

'The "Hindoo Girl's Song":  A Shady Story from British India', South Asian Review . Published online 18 February 2022.

 'Jane's Musical Tastes' in Jane Austen's Regency World, Jan/Feb  2022, p. 36-39 

'“There Is No Understanding a Word of It”: Musical Taste and Italian Vocal Music in Austen’s Musical and Literary World', Persuasions, no. 43, 2021, p. 88-98. 

'Anna with Variations' in Jane Austen's Regency World March/April 2021.

‘The Home and the World in Mansfield Park and Ghare Baire. Gitanjali and Beyond, Vol. 4, 2020. Special Issue: Revisiting Tagore

‘Juvenile Songs and Lessons: Music Culture in Jane Austen's Teenage Years.’ Persuasions: The Jane Austen Journal On-Line. 41(1) 2020.

"These Happy Effects on the Character of the British Sailor": Family Life in the Sea Songs of the Late Georgian Period. In Keeping Family in an Age of Long Distance Trade, Imperial Expansion, and Exile 1550-1850 Introduced and edited by Heather Dalton. Amsterdam University Press, 2020, p. 239-260.

'Jane Austen and the Music of the French Revolution', Essays in French Literature and Culture no. 57, October 2020, p. 151-166.

“A More Gentle, Less Dignified, Forgiveness”: Willoughby’s Apology in the Context of Austen’s Religious Beliefs (co-authored with Charles Dufour)

Music and Class in Jane Austen (coauthored with John Wiltshire and Kirstine Moffat)

Marianne and Willoughby, Lucy and Colin: Betrayal, Suffering, Death and the Poetic Image

The revolutionary vision of Jane Austen (Friday Essay, The Conversation)

'The bells rang and everybody smiled: Jane Austen's 'courtship novels'

'My Fanny' and 'A heroine nobody but myself will much like': Jane Austen and her heroines in the Chawton novels

A Most Luxurious State: Men and Music in Jane Austen's Novels

'No Moral effect on the mind': Music and Education in Mansfield Park

'What Trouble I Have with Jane Austen!' V.S. Naipaul's Blind Spot 

Musicianship and Morality in the Novels of Jane Austen 

Good versus Evil in Austen's Mansfield Park and Iris Murdoch's A Fairly Honourable Defeat

Review of Jane's Fame by Claire Harman

Review of Talking About Jane Austen in Baghdad

Preprints of articles from Jane Austen's Regency World:

Of Men and Music: a discussion of music in relation to Austen's male characters

Matters of Taste: An article about musical taste and ethics in Sense and Sensibility

Who are the Fools? An exploration of the notion of foolishness in Northanger Abbey

A Red, Red Rose: Robert Burns in Jane Austen's life and writings

Figures of good: comparing Mansfield Park with Iris Murdoch's A Fairly Honourable Defeat