A benefit fund in James' honor

Welcome to the James Helmuth Benefit Fund!

James' Benefit Fund provides funds and in-kind materials for children and young adults of all ages in academics and athletics, as well as volunteer programs for older adults. We focus on people with Alzheimer's Disease or dementia. Through James' inspiration, we strive to meet the needs of the community in concert with existing organizations.

ames' fund has provided over $25,000 in athletic fees, scholarships, MHS senior awards, elementary school and middle school academic resources including funding for science programs, spelling bees, basic classroom materials, in-kind charity musical performances at nursing homes, and more.

Our mission is LOVE.

Our goals are simple:

  • step up and help as needed,
  • be the love you wish to see in the world, (copyright Beatles?)
  • use our able bodies to help those who aren't so able any more.

Our initial conception for James' Benefit fund was designed to reflect the kindness received from our friends at the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, our friends and neighbors in the City of Middleton, the heroes and heroines at the City of Middleton Police, Fire, EMS; our personal neighbors, UW Hospital -- but today we also add Agrace Hospice, who recently helped James' grandpa (also James (Kosmond)) transition to the next step on our journey, or "passage". Our charity work is our way of honoring our son and our family members who have passed.

James lived and loved sports: any sports! He loved to move, to dance, to sing, and to party. An ideal day would be basketball in the morning, followed by a big breakfast made by daddy, maybe some resting/reading, then a mid-day football game with friends and/or family at the park. A late day walk or bike ride to Stricker's Park with Bella, our puppy, would be high on the list. He would throw the sticks and balls and watch her utter confusion as she wrestled with whether to chase the ducks or fetch the ball. The day's end would involve a series of America's Funniest Home Videos with a snack of something salty and crunchy or a big seafood meal with Daddy.

We share these memories to glimpse the love that filled our life with James. We will miss him for the rest of our days, but want with all our hearts to carry forward the many thoughtful, intuitive, and tender feelings he had regarding realizing equity, racial harmony, and peace in the world. James was an "old soul" and much more mature than his years would indicate. We hope to live out our days living the "good life" by doing the best that we can with the time we are so blessed to have before us.

Above is a beautiful video created by Keith Cleasby of the Middleton Police Department. We are forever grateful to him for capturing our son's journey and the Battle of the Badges special event.

The Helmuths, 5/2013