Jacqui Sharp & Associates

Welcome to Jacqui Sharp & Associates' website

I am a 'MoE Accredited PLD Facilitator' and I am able to help you write a proposal and plan for Ministry funded PD.

I am accredited in Digital Fluency, Digital Technologies and the Learning Progression Framework in Reading, Writing and Maths.

I am able to deliver PD in the new priority areas of Local Curriculum and Assessment for Learning.

I have also formed a company with David Kinane called 'Sharp, Kinane Ltd' where we deliver Ministry PLD with our team of eleven.

If you are interested in writing a proposal please email me at info@jsharp.co.nz or jacqui@sharpkinane.com

All teachers have the POTENTIAL to take ACTION to CHANGE the way they TEACH and DELIVER content. My facilitation style is to ENCOURAGE and BUILD teachers' CAPACITY to make the changes that DEVELOP a CULTURE of LEARNER AGENCY, where students are expected to be able to IDENTIFY their LEARNING GOALS and be RISK TAKERS in their learning. Teachers as well as students have to be risk takers and know that it is ok to fail. I am there as an ACTIVE SUPPORT person to demonstrate, listen, discuss, observe and reflect with the ultimate goal of MAKING A DIFFERENCE in teacher PRACTICE and student LEARNING.

All work on this site is the intellectual property and copyright of Jacqui Sharp.
