
Plumage coloration from another point of view:

Expertise et Evaluations:

Tâches administratives et collectives:

Implications bénévoles


Reviewer pour: Science (1), Functional Ecology (2), Journal of Animal Ecology (1), Oecologia (1), Oikos (2), Environmental Pollution (4), Behavioral Ecology (1), Behavioral Processes (1), Biology Letters (2), Environmentel Science and Pollution Research (1), Evolutionary Ecology Research (1), Environmental Science and Technology (1), General and Comparative Endocrinology (1), Royal Society Open (2), Landscape and Urban Planning (1), Urban Ecosystems (1), Evolutionary Ecology (1), Advances in Zoology (1), Journal of Zoology (3),  Journal of the Royal Society Interface (2), Canadian Journal of Zoology (2), International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2),  Journal of Avian Biology (2), Biological Conservation (1), Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems KMAE (2), Vie et Milieu/Life and Environment (1) 

Publons profile

Formations complémentaires/ trainings


Birding in Trinidad. Happy :)