
  • Ressources pour les étudiants

Qu'est ce que l'écologie? Une vidéo du GDR Ecostats

How to write a paper

BES Guidelines to write papers in Ecology & Evolution

  • What we do in our labs

Our EDB lab

Andrew Hendry's Eco-Evo blog

Fish and bits in Pays Basque

  • Teaching resources

Nature Education: How to communicate essential key-points in Ecology

The Drunkard's walk: evolutionary mechanisms by A Hendry, McGill University

Case study teaching in science! Pour un apprentissage de l'écologie basée sur des projets. From the University of NY.

Evo-Ed: Nice case studies and resources to teach Evolution- From a McGill team

  • Genre et sciences

Why so few women in science? Quelques éléments de réflexion

Why so few women in Science? Un super article de Nature

Women in Ecology and Evolution

Gender Issues in Neuroscience

  • Vulgarisation

Go home evolution, you are drunk!

Et un peu d'écologie urbaine

  • Outside the lab: art and photos

Photo of the day

Nice pictures of Abandoned places