
Teaching Statement:

Dr. Jacobo Ramirez has a strong and multinational educational background (England, France and Mexico) and extensive professional experience from universities in the Americas and Europe. Dr. Ramirez has designed and implemented online and face-to-face courses (taught in Spanish and English) in the Americas, Europe and the Middle East. Dr. Ramirez uses his own teaching cases of Danish firms in LAC (e.g. Arla Foods, Novo Nordisk, Vestas, etc.) as his main teaching strategy. Dr. Ramirez organises business related seminars with practitioners Governmental Officials (e.g. Danish and LAC’s Ambassadors and Ministers) to discuss with students and researchers current business development and society trends between Denmark and LAC. At CBS he teaches on bachelor and master programs. Dr. Ramirez is the coordinator of the following master degree courses at CBS: Leading and Managing in Latin America and Business Strategies in Latin America and the Caribbean (taught in Spanish), and co-coordinator of the courses Business Strategy in Developing Countries and Emerging Markets, and Leadership and Governance at MNEs. He also has taught executive education programs and/or consulted for companies such as PEMEX (Mexican Oil Company), and CEMEX, among others.

Business and Society Statement:

Dr. Jacobo Ramirez’ research and teaching activities have helped to develop an ongoing dialogue among academics, students, practitioners, politicians and civil society. This dialogue has taken the form of research and teaching seminars that Dr Ramirez has organised to discuss current business and society trends (e.g. green energy, terrorism, intellectual property, distance learning, etc.) around the world. Dr. Ramirez has also disseminated his work to non-academic audiences (e.g. through case studies, editorials and blogs) in order to further develop an interchange between business and society.