This diary was written by Jacobo Ramirez with the support of the organisations INDEPAZ, Heinrich Böll Foundation and IWGIA. Jacobo Ramirez takes sole responsibility for the content presented in this diary, which do not necessarily reflect the views of the mentioned organisations.


Field trip to Colombia’s first wind park Jepírachi in La Guajira, Colombia

On Monday, 24 February, Joanna Barney from INDEPAZ, Ángela Valenzuela from the Heinrich Böll Foundation, and I (Jacobo Ramirez from CBS and IWGIA) began our trip to the Wayúu territories of the La Guajira region, Colombia. We took a one-hour flight from Bogotá, Distrito Capital, to Riohacha, La Guajira, where our driver was waiting for us to start our field trip to northwest La Guajira in a Toyota truck.

February 2020

Monday 24 February