Frequently Asked Questions among JMEA members

1. Should we write a reason for our unrestricted personal day when filling in the request form?

No. You should write “unrestricted” in the box.

2. Should we expect compensation from Universities for having a student teacher?

Yes. Ohio State law prevents teachers from receiving personal compensation for taking a student teacher. After having a student teacher, Jackson Local will put the monetary compensation in your building fund tagged with your name. Therefore, you may use that money for your classroom materials. If the University compensates with vouchers to take classes, then you contact Kristina Burrows when she emails staff about the voucher.

3. Should we take JMEA representation when called to a meeting with an administrator?

If you are uncomfortable about the purpose of the meeting or the administrator does not give a reason for meeting when asked, then yes you should call your building rep to attend.

4. What is the difference between my building rep and my labor management rep?

Your building rep is there to protect your contractual rights. If the concern is with the contract, then call your building rep. Your labor management rep is to protect your working conditions. For example …..being told to buy materials for your curriculum with no district compensation. These issues are not contractual but affect the working conditions.

5. Do we get compensation for not using our three unrestricted personal days?

Yes. If you do not use any of the three unrestricted personal days you will receive $500. If you use one of the three personal days….you will not receive the $500.