IV Workshop on Poisson Geometry and related topics

On 28-29 July 2016 (Thursday and Friday), the IV Workshop on Poisson Geometry and related topics was held at UFPR in Curitiba.

The main goal of the event is to gather researchers working in Poisson Geometry and related subjects, including: Lie groupoids, Lie algebroids, foliations, quantization, mathematical physics, homotopy structures, geometric mechanics, among others.

  • Invited speakers:

Click on the titles above to access the slides of the talks.

  • Organizing Committee:

Olivier Brahic (UFPR)

Eduardo Hoefel (UFPR)

Marco Zambon (KU Leuven)

  • Pictures:

Click here for some pictures of the workshop.

  • Contact and more info:

Contact Marco Zambon by email.