Scientific agenda
Year 2025
- Sept 8-12: Plenary speaker of ICSAA 2025, Bucharest, Romania
- Aug 25-29: Plenary speaker at the conference ``Stochastic Processes and Complex Systems", Tohoku University, Japan
- June 4-6: 11th Mathsport International Conference, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
- June 3: 2025 Godeaux lecture, Young Scholar Day, Leuven, Belgium
- Feb 27: Speaker at the UPF statistics seminar, Barcelona, Spain
- Feb 10-12: Organizer of the Luxembourg Workshop in Stochastic Analysis (2nd edition), Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Year 2024
- Sept 19-20: Speaker at the L2 Workshop in Probability and Statistics, Nancy, France
- Sept 9-13: Speaker at the Workshop on probabilistic and statistical analysis of random networks, stochastic processes and deep neural networks, Nice, France
- Sept 4-6: Speaker at the Workshop "Analysis and Geometry of Random Fields", Rome, Italy
- July 4: Jury member and reviewer of Giacomo Giorgio's PhD thesis, University Tor Vergata of Rome, Italy
- June 20-21: Speaker at the Workshop on Stein's Method and Networks, Oxford, UK
- June 10-14: Speaker at the Journées de Probabilités, Bordeaux, France
- April 23-24: Organizer of a Workshop on Fractional Brownian Motion and its Applications, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
- April 4-12: Research stay at University of Kyoto (Komaba), Japan
- March 25-27: Mini workshop on "Stochastic Dynamics and Stochastic Equations", Bernoulli Center, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Jan 24-26: Speaker at the Master Class organised by the Institut Elie Cartan de Lorraine, campus Nancy, France
- Jan 11: Speaker at the Probability and Statistics Seminar in Nancy, University of Lorraine, France
Year 2023
- Dec 8: Jury member and reviewer of Julie Gamain's PhD thesis, University of Lille
- Dec 6: Speaker at the Séminaire des élèves du M2 Proba/Stat, Orsay, France
- Dec 5: Jury member of Tara Trauthwein's PhD thesis, University of Luxembourg
- Nov 16: Speaker at the Probability Victoria Seminar (online)
- Oct 3: Participant in the 10 ans de l'IECL conference, Pont-à-Mousson, France
- Sept 14-15: Participant in the L2 Workshop in Probability and Statistics, Metz, France
- Sept 12: Jury member and reviewer of Toyomu Matsuda's PhD thesis, Berlin, Germany
- June 28-30: Speaker at the 21th INFORMS Applied Probability Society Meeting, Nancy, France
- June 12-16: Organizer of the International Conference on Malliavin Calculus and Related Topics: A Celebration of David Nualart and Anton Thalmaier, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
- June 5-9: Speaker at the Conference on Random Geometry, Nodal Domains and Related Topics, Rennes, France
- May 29-31: Speaker at the Conference "Mathematical Finance and Stochastics: A Conference in Honor of David Nualart", San Sebastian
- May 26: Speaker at the Math.en.JEANS workshop, Mulhouse, France
- March 21-23: Speaker at the MESA Workshop - Stein's Method and Applications, Toulouse, France
- March 13-17: Geometry, Probability and their Synergies, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
- February 15-17: Organizer of the Luxembourg Workshop in Stochastic Analysis, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
Year 2022
- December 23: Jury member and reviewer of Mohammed Louriki's PhD thesis, Marrakesh, Morocco
- December 13: Speaker at the Stochastic Analysis Seminar, Imperial College London, UK
- December 9: Speaker at the research seminar of the Centre for Mathematical and Statistical Modelling, Brunel University London, UK
- November 21-26: Speaker at the Marrakesh International Workshop on Random Fractals and Markov Processes, Marrakesh, Morocco
- October 11: Jury member and reviewer of Jordan Serres' PhD thesis, Toulouse, France
- September 15-16: Organizer of the L2 Workshop in Probability and Statistics, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
- September 5-9: Fractals and Related Fields, Porquerolles, France
- June 17-22: Speaker at A Tale of Rare Events — Symposium in Honour of Louis Chen on his 82nd Birthday, Singapore
- June 7-10: Speaker at the conference "Scale Invariance and Randomness", Lille, France
- May 30-June 3: Speaker at the conference "Stochastic Analysis and Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, a Celebration of Marta Sanz-Solé's Mathematical Legacy", Barcelona, Spain
- May 19-20: Organizer of the Workshop "Regularity of Stochastic Processes", Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
- March 28: Jury member and reviewer of Yassine Nachit's PhD thesis, Marrakesh, Morocco
- March 16: Speaker at the conference "Online international day on probabilities", University of Saida, Algeria (online)
Year 2021
- December 10: Speaker at the Probability and Statistics Seminar in Marseille, France
- November 18: Speaker at the One World Probability Seminar (online)
- November 9: Abu Dhabi Stochastics Seminar (online)
- September 22: Speaker at the conference "Les Probabilités de Demain", Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France
- July 16: Jury member of Massimo Notarnicola's PhD thesis, Luxembourg
- May 17-22: Keynote speaker at the International Conference "Theory of Probability and Its Applications: Chebyshev-200 (The 6th International Conference on Stochastic Methods)", Online
- April 23: Speaker at the Stochastic Seminar, University of Liverpool, UK (Online)
- February 23: Speaker at SAUCY2020 (Stochastic Analysis Under Covid - Year 2021), USA (online meeting)
- February 4: Conférencier au Séminaire Cristolien d'Analyse Multifractale, Paris, France (online meeting)
- January 7-8: Speaker at the AAP Board Meeting, Berlin, Germany
Year 2020
- December 8: Jury member of Eustache Besançon's PhD thesis, Telecom Paris (Online)
- December 2: Speaker at the CIMAT colloquium, Guanajuato, Mexico (Online)
- November 18: Jury member of Essomanda Konzou's PhD thesis, Lorraine, France
- October 1: Speaker at the Applied Probability and Risk Seminar Series, Columbia University in the city of New York (Online)
- September 23: Jury member of Yassine Esmili's PhD thesis, University of Lille
- September 14: Jury member of Hélène Malconruy's PhD thesis, Telecom Paris
- June 14-19: Plenary speaker at High Dimensional Probability 9, Bedlewo, Poland (Virtual talk)
- May 22: Jury member of Jimmy Devillet's PhD thesis, University of Luxembourg (Virtual defence)
- May 18: Speaker at the Oxford Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Finance Seminar, University of Oxford (Virtual talk)
- May 7: Jury member of Habiba Knani's PhD thesis, Université de Lorraine (Virtual defence)
- January 31 - February 1: Research visit and member of a thesis committee at University Cadi Ayyad, Marrakesh, Morocco
Year 2019
- December 9-13: Research stay at National University of Singapore, Singapore
- October 14-18: Lectures on Gaussian analysis, Sousse, Tunisia
- Sept. 30- Oct. 2: Fifth workshop of the scientific network "cumulants, concentration and superconcentration", Osnabrück, Germany
- Sept. 9-13: Conference on Random Nodal Sets, Rennes, France
- July 22-26: European Meeting of Statisticians, Palermo, Italy
- June 24-28: Warsaw Summer School in Probability, Poland
- March 21: Journée en l'honneur de Pierre Vallois, Nancy, France
- March 1-9: CIMPA school 'stochastic analysis and applications', University of Saida, Algeria
Year 2018
- December 14-15: XIV Brunel – Bielefeld Workshop on RMT, London
- December 8-11: Workshop Stein's method and its related topics, University of Macau
- November 16-17: Workshop 'Asymptotic expansion and Malliavin calculus', IHP, Paris
- October 1-5: Lectures on Gaussian analysis, Hammam Sousse, Tunisia
- September 9-14: Stochastic Analysis workshop, Oaxaca, Mexico
- July 9-13: 4th Barcelona Summer School on Stochastic Analysis, Barcelona, Spain
- July 2-6: 12th International Vilnius Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Vilnius, Lithuania
- June 20-22: Conference "Trajectoires rugueuses, calcul de Malliavin et applications", Rencontres Mathématiques de Rouen, France
- June 11-18: The 40th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications (SPA 2018), Gothenburg, Sweden
- June 4-6: Math for data, Liège, Belgium
- May 28-June 1: 38th Finnish Summer School on Probability and Statistics, Finland
- April 9-13: International Workshop on Perspectives On High-Dimensional Data Analysis, Marrakech, Morocco
- April 5: Seminar talk, Nancy, France
- January 7-12: Research stay, Macau
Year 2017
- December 16-18: CMStatistics 2017, Londres, UK
- November 20-22: Research stay and talk, Freiburg, Germany
- September 18-22: Lectures on Gaussian analysis, Hammam Sousse, Tunisia
- September 10-15: Geometry and Physics of Spatial Random Systems, Bad Herrenalb, Germany
- July 24-28: European Meeting of Statisticians, Helsinki, Finland
- July 16-21: 61st World Statistics Congress ISI2017, Marrakech, Morocco
- June 8-9: Workshop on fractional Brownian motion and rough models, Barcelona, Spain
- May 28 - June 2: High Dimensional Probability, Oaxaca, Mexico
- February 20-24: Workshop on Random Polynomials, Montevideo, Uruguay
- January 30- February 3: Bangkok Workshop on discrete geometry and statistics, Bangkok, Thailand
Year 2016
- November 22: Seminar talk, Working group "Dependence" organized by Paul Doukhan, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France
- September 26-30: Lectures on Gaussian analysis, Hammam Sousse, Tunisia
- August 22-25: Workshop at VIASM, Hanoi, Vietnam
- July 28-30: Conference in honour of Peter Imkeller, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
- July 11-15: Organiser of an invited session on Stein's method at the 9th World Congress of Probability and Statistics, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada
- April 25-28: Marrakesh International conference on Probability and statistics, Marrakesh, Marocco
- April 17-22: Co-organiser of the "Colloque Jeunes Probabilistes et Statisticiens", École de Physique des Houches, France
- March 22-23: BeNeLux MC 16 conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- January 28: Seminar talk, ENS Lyon and University Lyon 1, France
Year 2015
- November 26-27: Opening workshop of the research training group RTG 2131, Bochum, Germany
- October 24-25: AMS Fall Western Sectional Meeting, California State University, Fullerton, California
- October 23: NYU Probability and Mathematical Physics Seminar, Courant Institute, New York City
- September 28- October 1: Lectures on Gaussian analysis, Hammam Sousse, Tunisia
- September 14-18: Yu. V. Linnik Centennial Conference, St Petersburg, Russia
- July 26-31: The 60th World Statistics Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- June 7-13: Free probability theory, Oberwolfach, Germany
- May 18-22: Workshop on New Directions in Stein's Method, Singapore
- May 11-13: Conference "Dependence, Limit Theorems and Applications" on the occasion of Paul Doukhan 60th birthday, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
- April 27-May 1: Analytic Tools in Probability and Applications, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota, USA
- April 10: Seminar talk, Strasbourg, France
- February 23-24: AHOI Workshop on Tempo-Spatial Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Volatility, Imperial College London, UK
- February 18: Probability Seminar of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
- January 29-30: Belgo-Luxemburgish PRObability days, Liège, Belgium
Year 2014
- November 17: Inaugural Lecture titled "Probability theory: a subtle mixture of pure and applied mathematics", Université du Luxembourg
- November 14: Seminar talk, Grupo de Física Matemática, Lisboa, Portugal
- November 4: Seminar talk, Joint Analysis-Probability seminar, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics, Leipzig, Germany
- October 9: Seminar talk, MAPMO, Université d'Orléans, France
- September 29- October 2: Lectures on Gaussian analysis, Hammam Sousse, Tunisia
- September 8-9: Rencontres de Probabilités, Rouen, France
- July 7-11: 2014 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Sydney, Australia
- June 29- July 4, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Honolulu, USA
- June 10-13: Conference in honor of Aline Bonami, Orléans, France
- May 26-31: The Seventh International Conference on High Dimensional Probability, Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corsica, France
- May 20: Seminar talk, CEREMADE, Université de Paris Dauphine, France
- April 6-11: One of the organizers of the ``Colloque Jeunes Probabilistes et Statisticiens'', VVF de Forges les Eaux, France
- April 4: Seminar talk, Institut de Science Financière et d'Assurances, Lyon, France
- March 25-29: Free Probability and the Large N Limit, IV, UC Berkeley, USA
Year 2013
- December 17-20: Marrakesh International Conference on Probability and Statistics, Marrakesh, Morocco
- October 28-31: Conference ProbaGeo 2013 at Luxembourg, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
- October 21-22: Workshop on Stein's method and related topics, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France
- September 16-20: Lectures on Gaussian analysis, Hammam Sousse, Tunisia
- August 25-30: The 59th World Statistics Congress, Hong Kong, China
- August 1: Brussels Summer School of Mathematics, Brussels, Belgium
- July 15-19: Plenary speaker at the 7th Conference on Lévy Processes, Wroclaw, Poland
- June 10-11: Workshop on ``New characterizations of probability distributions and applications'', Brussels, Belgium
- April 9: Seminar talk at Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse, France
- February 13: Midlands Probability Theory Seminar, The University of Warwick, England
- January 7-8: Meeting with the members of the ANR project `Masterie' (Malliavin, Stein and Stochastic Equations with Irregular Coefficients), Paris, France
Year 2012
- October 9-13: Uncertainty Quantification, ICERM, Brown University, Providence, USA
- October 1: Seminar talk at the Institut of Mathematics of Wroclaw, Poland
- September 23-29: 15th workshop on non-commutative harmonic analysis: random matrices, representation theory and free probability, with applications, Bedlewo, Poland
- September 17-20: Annual Meeting of the German Mathematical Society, Mini-Symposium on Free Probability and Random Matrices, Saarbruecken, Germany.
- September 2-8: Harmonic Analysis and Probability, University of Angers, France.
- June 18-22: Journées de Probabilités, Roscoff, France
- May 22: Fractionality Workshop, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France
- May 15: Mathématiques en mouvement, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France
- May 2: Seminar talk at University Paris 13, France
- February 9: Seminar talk at University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
Year 2011
- December 6: Seminar talk in Probability, Universities Paris 6 and 7, France
- December 1: Seminar talk in Functional Analysis, University Paris 6, France
- November 18: Working group on stochastic processes and random matrices, University Paris 6, France
- October 6: Seminar talk at Boston University (Massachusetts, USA)
- June 29: Seminar talk at Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
- June 19-24: Invited speaker in the session `New perspectives on Malliavin calculus' at the conference ``35th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications" in Oaxaca (Mexico)
- June 16-18: Invited speaker at the "International conference on Statistical Methods for Dynamical Stochastic Models (DYNSTOCH)" in Heidelberg (Germany)
- June 6-11: Invited speaker at the "International conference on selfsimilar processes and their applications" in Le Touquet (France)
- May 23-27: Principal invited lecture in the ``Seventh Seminar on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications'' in Ascona (Switzerland)
- April 4: Regular seminar, Rennes (France)
- March 19-21: Invited speaker at the ``Conference on Malliavin Calculus in honor of David Nualart'' in Kansas University (Kansas, USA)
Year 2010
- December 6-7: Invited speaker at the occasion of the ``50th anniversary of the Laboratoire de Probabilités et Modèles Aléatoires", University of Paris 6 (France)
- October 21: Regular seminar, Nancy (France)
- October 14: Regular seminar, Nancy (France)
- July 6-10: Invited speaker at the conference "Orthogonal Polynomials in Probability Theory" in College Station (Texas, USA)
- June 16: Workshop in memory of Paul Malliavin, University Paris 6
- May 11: Regular seminar, Luxembourg
- April 8: Regular seminar, Évry (France)
- March 19: Regular seminar, Strasbourg (France)
- January 13: Conference "Bon vent, Giovanni", University Paris 6
Year 2009
- November 6: Working group of the team "Stochastic Processes", University Paris 6
- November 4: Working group "Analysis on Wiener space", Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris)
- November 3: Regular seminar, Georgia Tech School of Mathematics, Atlanta (Georgia, USA)
- October 29 - November 1: Invited speaker at the conference "Concentration, Functional Inequalities and Isoperimetry" in Boca Raton (Florida, USA)
- September 28-30: Invited speaker at the "Purdue Workshop on Stochastic Analysis" in Purdue (Indiana, USA)
- September 15-17: Invited speaker at the conference "Marches aléatoires, systèmes dynamiques et mécanique statistique mathématique", Orsay (France)
- September 1-4: Invited by Gesine Reinert for research, University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
- July 20-24: Invited speaker at the "International conference on selfsimilar processes and their applications" in Angers (France)
- June 15-19: Invited speaker at the conference "Random differential equations and Gaussian fields", Château de Mons (France)
- June 11: Regular seminar, Évry (France)
- May 26-28: Invited speaker at the conference "Non-Semimartingale Techniques in Mathematical Finance" in Helsinki (Finland)
- May 6: Regular seminar, Cergy-Pontoise (France)
- April 29 - May 4: Invited by Peter Imkeller for research, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany)
- April 27: Regular seminar, Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakech (Morocco)
- April 1: Regular seminar on stochastic processes, ETH Zürich (Switzerland)
- March 23-27: Invited by Murad Taqqu for research, Boston University (Massachusetts, USA)
- March 19: Regular seminar, Nancy (France)
- March 18: Working group "Analysis on Wiener space", Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris (France)
- March 12: Regular seminar, Nanterre-Paris Ouest (France)
- March 4: Regular seminar, Lille (France)
- January 12-16: Invited speaker at the conference "Stein's method" in Singapore (Republic of Singapore)
Year 2008
- November 28: Working group "Analysis on Wiener space", Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris)
- November 3-14: Doctoral courses entitled "Integration by parts on Wiener space and applications" delivered at the Center for Mathematical Modeling, Santiago (Chile)
- September 28 - October 4: Invited speaker at the workshop "Differential equations driven by fractional Brownian motion as random dynamical systems: qualitative properties" in Banff (Canada)
- September 13-17: Invited by Paolo Baldi for research, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (Italy)
- March 6: Regular seminar, Marne-La-Vallée (France)
- March 31 - April 4: Invited speaker at the conference "Stein's method" in Singapore (Republic of Singapore)
- January 31: Regular seminar, Nice (France)
- January 28: Invited speaker at the "Journée Processus et Champs Fractionnaires" in La Rochelle (France)
- January 14-15-16: Invited speaker at the conference "Limit theorems and applications" in Paris (France)
Year 2007
- November 8: Regular seminar, Évry (France)
- October 11: Regular seminar, Nancy (France)
- June 20-22: Invited speaker at the conference "Stochastic Analysis and Related Fields" in Toulouse (France)
- June 11-12: Invited speaker at the conference "Stochastic Dynamics" in Paris (France)