Ivan Nourdin's webpage

(I have another webpage here ; but only this one is regularly updated!)

I am a Full Professor of Stochastic Modelling in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Luxembourg.

I work mainly in probability theory, but in my research I am also interested in questions from statistics, geometry, functional analysis, non-commutative algebra, combinatorics, or computer science. More information on my Research page.

I am a regular attendee of the DMATH probability and statistics seminar.

I am the co-funder of GrewIA, a startup focusing on high-quality training, coaching, consulting and research services in data science and mathematics, with a particular focus on artificial intelligence.

Short CV
2018-...: Course director of the Bachelor in Mathematics, University of Luxembourg
2015: Winner of the 2015 FNR award for outstanding publication (jointly with Giovanni Peccati)
2014-...: Full Professor of Stochastic Modelling, University of Luxembourg
2013: Winner of the 2013 France Scopus Researcher Award in the field of Mathematics
2011: Winner of the 2011 Prize of the Fondation des Sciences Mathématiques de Paris
2010-2014: Full Professor (Professeur des Universités), Université de Lorraine
2005-2010: Associate Professor (Maître de conférences), Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6)
2004-2005: Instructor (A.T.E.R.), École des Mines de Nancy
2001-2004: PhD student (supervised by Pierre Vallois), Université Nancy 1
1999-2001: Student at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan and Agrégation de Mathématiques (ranked 18th)
1978: born in Épinal (France)

My research group at the University of Luxembourg
To date, apart from me, my research group is composed of:
- Francesca Cottini (Post-doc)
- Charles-Philippe Diez (Post-doc)
- Ujan Gangopadhyay (Post-doc)
- Luis da Maia (PhD student) -- will start in Sept. 2024
- Yassine Nachit (Post-doc)
- Pierre Perruchaud (Post-doc)
- Francesca Pistolato (PhD student)

Former members include:
- Simon Campese (Post-doc)
- Federico Dalmao (Post-doc)
- Lara Daw (PhD student, cosupervision with Stéphane Seuret)
- Valentin Garino (PhD student)
- Arturo Jaramillo (Post-doc)
- George Kerchev (Post-doc)
- Laurent Loosveldt (Post-doc)
- Shane Lubold (Fulbright Scholar)
- Leonardo Maini (PhD student)
- Diu Tran (PhD student)
Xiaochuan Yang (Post-doc)
- Guangqu Zheng (PhD student)
- Fei Pu (Post-doc)

How to reach me?
- Postal and physical address:
University of Luxembourg
Department of Mathematics (DMATH)
Maison du Nombre
6, avenue de la Fonte
L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

- Office Room: MNO, E05 0515-090 (Maison du Nombre, 5th floor)

- Email: inourdin@gmail.com

- Phone: (+352) 46 66 44 6380

(photo by Camille Male)