
Previous Projects:

SPHERE IRC:  I worked for the development of multidisciplinary SPHERE-IRC, a cross-functional team with various projects, and assisted in a range of tasks related to IoT networking & security projects at the University of Bristol (UoB). I was involved in designing, developing, debugging, and maintaining two projects at UoB i) Theme 4: Reliable, Energy-Efficient Networking and Mobility for IoT Devices and ii) T5: System Integration and Monitoring 

BT Internet of Things Project: I have led the research and development of ‘Data to Action’ in the Internet of Things (IoT) project in collaboration with British Telecom (BT) for end-to-end IoT management framework including optimization, protocol design, prototyping to help mitigate the complex set of vulnerabilities which exist across end-to-end IoT architectures. I explored new thinking and novel solutions for IoT decision systems to enable automated decisions to be made against the backdrop of these uncertainties. I have contributed to BT Patents for situation awareness for IoT data networks to prevent failures and security breaches,  and developed novel cryptographic solutions for IoT security challenges that are relevant to data privacy and security in the cloud. 

US-Ireland Project: Provided support for hardware and software components for new SDN capabilities in optical networks. I explored new, transformative technologies that promise to provide a scalable solution spanning intra and inter-datacentre networking through agile optics built on photonic integrated devices to realize hybrid optical and electronic switching. My research demonstrated cloud applications utilizing high-capacity optical links on-demand inside and between datacentres as a scalable platform for the future Internet including: