Short Series

A series of short timed events (can be distance based) can help you build up to the longer (6, 12, and 24 Hours) events.

The series will run in the same area, though not always on the same roads.

All the rules and conditions apply (including the rules for Israeli riders.)

We hope to run these Short Series events on a monthly basis.
You can find updates on the relevant Twitter or Facebook pages.

Points will be given in each event with 4 or more riders, with a system following the Formula One World Championship points scoring systems:
1: 25 points
2: 18 points
3: 15 points
4: 12 points
5: 10 points
6: 8 points
7: 6 points
8: 4 points
9: 2 points
10: 1 point

Each 31/October the total points will be reset to 0.

For example, some of the shorter events:

    • 10 Miles. Under 25 minutes is good. Under 20 minutes is very good!

    • One lap of the IL24TE course

    • 40 K. Can you make it in under an hour?

    • 1 Hour. How far can you go?

Listing Fees:
After a successful ride, you may request that your ride will be listed on this website.
The exact listing fee will be determined after the event has finished successfully, and will never be more than 50 ILS (about $15 / 15 Euro / 10 GBP) per person per event.