What is a Lyceum?

Lyceums in the Fellowship of Isis


The original Lyceum stood on a site near Athens and was the home of a philosophical school founded by Aristotle. It stood somewhat outside and northeast of the ancient city walls. The Lyceum was situated either in or near a grove of trees that was sacred to Apollo Lyceus, (sometimes spelled Lycius). Because the wolf can see in the dark, it became associated in ancient Greece with Apollo in his role as the morning sun. Besides an association with Apollo Lyceus, the Lyceum also contained a shrine to the Muses and a place to honor the cult of Hermes. Ancient literary sources that refer to the Lyceum include Strabo (9.1.24), Pausanias (1.19.3) and Plato (Lysis, 203a-204a).

The purpose of the work done in Isis, Lotus of Alexandria Lyceum is to provide guidance to potential members of the priestess/priesthood, helping them to realize and fulfill their individual vocations of service to Isis. The program presented stresses a fundamental knowledge of a broad variety of subjects. Each student will be encouraged to assimilate and adapt this knowledge to the belief system and magical/spiritual tradition that they currently follow. Individuality and intuitive connection to the Deity within are the main focus throughout training. This Lyceum reflects the outlook of the Fellowship of Isis which is multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural.

What is a Lyceum?

The word "Lyceum" is a Latin term that originally comes to us from ancient Greek, Lykeion. It is used to describe any hall, building or library, etc., as a place devoted to instruction. A Lyceum can be a specific physical location with sacred space and an altar. It can also be a place in heart and mind where student and teacher meet. In the College of Isis, within the Fellowship of Isis, Lyceum curriculum does not usually follow traditional western methods. Developing the intuitive connection to the Deity within is encouraged through guidance and self discovery. This is facilitated by the Hierophant who is the founder and head of the Lyceum - someone who has undergone much preparation and study - to interpret sacred mysteries and esoteric principles.

"Hierophant," is another term handed down to us from ancient Greek. It literally translates as "one who shows forth." Hierophants of the College of Isis are ordained in a separate ceremony following admittance into the priestess/priesthood of the Fellowship. All titles within the Fellowship relate a type of work or service taken on through personal willingness. Priest/priestesshood involves a voluntary acceptance of work undertaken for the Divine Plan of the Deities.

Isis, Lotus of Alexandria

The name Isis, Lotus of Alexandria proclaims Isis as Patroness Deity of this Lyceum. Isis is highly protective, especially of those who are true spiritual seekers. Her energies are entirely selfless and used in service of those who come under her care.

The Lotus was used extensively as a symbol in early Egypt as well as in the Indian subcontinent. It connotes mysticism and repose in both systems, which provides creditable proof of its antiquity as an esoteric symbol. The lotus encompasses the kingdoms of all four elements, its roots rising from the mud through water to the surface where it embraces sunlight and air. In Egyptian belief it was a symbol of continuity, renewel, rebirth and the inner peace gained by balancing one’s inner nature. It was a favorite temple offering. In plantlore the lotus is used for healing, good fortune, love and long life.

Lastly, the lyceum was named for the great city of Alexandria, famous for its library and temples devoted to learning and healing. It is with great sincerity that the work of this Lyceum is dedicated to both the memory and the tradition of those ancient Alexandrian temples.

Entrance Requirements

All participants within Isis, Lotus of Alexandria Lyceum must be at least 21 years of age to qualify for admittance into our study program. You must also be a member of the Fellowship of Isis. An application to join the Fellowship of Isis is available on this website and applications are accepted by e-mail. Membership into the Fellowship of Isis is free and all are welcomed who apply.

We currently have a two year waiting list for enrollment.


Isis, Lotus of Alexandria Lyceum