Conference Programme

Proceedings are online!

Springer provides feee access to IS-EUD 2019 proceedings for a limited time (4 weeks) to any conference participants through this link.

In order to access the proceedings, authors need a special access code. Please contact Vito Gentile ( to retrieve it, and in order to have more information about how to access the proceedings.

Important notice for presenters

Talk durations are expected to adhere to the following rules:

  • Full papers: 15 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A
  • Short papers and WiP: 10 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for Q&A

10th July (Wednesday)


17:30-18:30, Sawhney Suite Gallery (above the main reception follow the path to Prince Edward Gallery)

Welcome Cocktail

18:30-20:00, UH gallery (above main reception)
  • DEMO: Filippo Andrea Fanni, Martina Senis, Tola Alessandro, Fabio Murru, Marco Romoli, Lucio Davide Spano, Ivan Blečić and Giuseppe Andrea Trunfio. PAC-PAC: EUD of Immersive Point and Click Games

11th July (Thursday)


08:30-09:15, Lindop building Foyer area

Welcome by the chairs and opening the event


Opening Keynote (Sidharth Muthyala)

09:45-10:15, A166 – Lindop Building

Coffee break


Paper Session 1: Infrastructures for end-user development (Chair: Alan Serrano)

10:45-12:30, A166 – Lindop Building
  • Daniel Rough and Aaron Quigley. Challenges of Traditional Usability Evaluation in End-User Development (full paper)
  • Fulvio Corno, Luigi De Russis and Alberto Monge Roffarello. My IoT Puzzle: Debugging IF-THEN Rules Through the Jigsaw Metaphor (full paper)
  • Rosella Gennari, Maristella Matera, Alessandra Melonio and Eftychia Roumelioti. A Board-Game for Co-Designing Smart Nature Environments in Workshops with Children (full paper)
  • Salvatore Sorce, Alessio Malizia, Vito Gentile, Pingfei Jiang, Mark Atherton and David Harrison. A Visual Tool for Early Possible Patent Infringement Detection During Design (short paper)
  • Barbara Rita Barricelli, Elena Casiraghi and Stefano Valtolina. Virtual Assistants for End-User Development in the Internet of Things (short paper)



Hands on with LEGO kits

13:45-14:15, 1A117 - Lindop Building 1st floor

Paper session 2: IoT solutions to support EUD in daily life (Chair: Daniela Fogli)

14:15-16:00, A166 – Lindop Building
  • Gonzalo Ripa, Manuel Torre, Sergio Firmenich and Gustavo Rossi. End-User Development of Voice User Interfaces based on Web content (full paper)
  • Marco Manca, Fabio Paternò and Carmen Santoro. Analyzing Trigger-Action Programming for Personalization of Robot Behaviour in IoT Environments (full paper)
  • Thomas Herrmann, Christopher Lentzsch and Martin Degeling. Intervention and EUD - A Combination for Appropriating Automated Processes (full paper)
  • Monica Maceli. An Internet-of-Things End-User Development Approach to Environmental Monitoring of Cultural Heritage Archives (short paper)
  • Fabio Cassano, Antonio Piccinno and Paola Regina. End-User Development in Speech Therapies: a Case Study (short paper)

Coffee Break


WiP session 1 (Chair: Anders Mørch)

16:30-18:00, A166 – Lindop Building
  • Daniel Tetteroo. Transforming Meta-Design from Paradigm to Working Theory
  • Gianluca Bova, Davide Cellie, Cristina Gioia, Fabiana Vernero, Claudio Mattutino and Cristina Gena. End-user Development for the Wolly Robot
  • Daniela Fogli and Antonio Piccinno. End-User Development in Industry 4.0: Challenges and Opportunities
  • Rodolfo Gonzalez, Sergio Firmenich and Gustavo Rossi. A Browser-based P2P architecture for collaborative end-user artifacts in the edge
  • Carmelo Ardito, Maria Francesca Costabile, Giuseppe Desolda, Marco Manca, Maristella Matera, Fabio Paterno and Carmen Santoro. Improving Tools that Allow End Users to Configure Smart Environments

Social Event (The Beales Hotel)


Informal get-together (Wheterspoon pub)

21:30 onward

12th July (Friday)

Paper session 3: EUD processes and methods for designing and programming (Chair: Monica Maceli)

09:00-10:45, A166 – Lindop Building
  • Anders Mørch, Kristina Litherland, Renate Andersen. End-User Development goes to School: Collaborative Learning with Makerspaces in Subject Areas (short paper)
  • Stefano Valtolina, Marco Mesiti, Barbara Rita Barricelli, Elefelious Getachew Belay and Fatmeh Hachem. Facilitating the Development of IoT Applications in Smart City Platforms (full paper)
  • Sara Beschi, Daniela Fogli and Fabio Tampalini. CAPIRCI: A Multi-Modal System for Collaborative Robot Programming (full paper)
  • Mariana Marasoiu, Detlef Nauck and Alan Blackwell. Cuscus: An End User Programming Tool for Data Visualisation (full paper)
  • Tracey Booth, Jon Bird, Simone Stumpf and Sara Jones. Designing Troubleshooting Support Cards for Novice End-User Developers of Physical Computing Prototypes (short paper)

Coffee break


Paper session 4: EUD for visual interfaces (Chair: Silvio Carta)

11:15-11:50, A166 – Lindop Building
  • Charles Boisvert, Chris Roast and Elizabeth Uruchurtu. Open Piping: an Open Visual Workflow Environment (short paper)
  • Alexander Wachtel, Dominik Fuchß, Matthias Przybylla and Walter Tichy. Natural language user interface (NLUI) to extract data from different data sources (short paper)

WiP session 2 (Chair: Silvio Carta)

11:50-12:45, A166 – Lindop Building
  • Filippo Andrea Fanni, Martina Senis, Tola Alessandro, Fabio Murru, Marco Romoli, Lucio Davide Spano, Ivan Blečić and Giuseppe Andrea Trunfio. PAC-PAC: EUD of Immersive Point and Click Games
  • Eftychia Roumelioti. Research on Making Nature Smart with Children
  • Cristian Sottile, Sergio Firmenich and Diego Torres. An End-User Semantic Web Augmentation tool



Closing Keynote (Peter Richardson)

14:00-15:00, A166 – Lindop Building

Closing Remarks


IS-EUD 2019 conference programme includes two keynotes, by Siddhart Muthyala (Product and Interaction Designer at LEGO) and Peter Richardson (Full Professor at University of Hertfordshire).

Keynote by Siddharth Muthyala

Can you get more classic than LEGO? We don’t think so. Our favorite toy company shares with us Siddharth Muthyala (Sid), Product and Interaction Designer at LEGO, where he is the Senior Design Lead for the Secondary school segment. Sid works with LEGO Mindstorms, robotics and coding platforms for students. Prior to LEGO education, Sid was Design Lead in LEGO’s Creative Play Lab. Has anyone honestly had a more fun career?

Sid will speak on learning through play and the crucial role play has in shaping children and adults. Get an insight to LEGO’s inner thinking and creative process.

Keynote by Peter Richardson

Title: How Many Questions? Killer drones, ship wrecks and particle physics: hunting for replicants in the ‘real’ 2019

Abstract: Set in 2019 Ridley Scott’s noir science fiction film, Blade Runner (1982), portrays a dystopic future world of replicant (AI) insurgency. Detective Rick Deckard’s job is to hunt the replicants. His methodology, the "Voigt-Kampff" test, is a set of questions designed to distinguish replicants from humans. The 2017 film, Slaughterbots, (commissioned by the Future of Life Institute) highlights the threat of weaponisation of artificial intelligence. Utilising Hollywood cinematic tropes the film was launched anonymously so as to go viral. Slaughterbots depicts a fictional attack on the U.S. Senate by lethal drone weapons. The film achieved 200K views at its launch and in just over a week had two million views on YouTube alone. Co-produced and filmed at University of Hertfordshire campus, undergraduate and postgraduate film students worked alongside the crew with drama students playing roles in many scenes. The film was screened at the 2017 meeting in Geneva of the Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW) and had an immediate impact in that the meeting resolved to work to “lay the groundwork necessary to negotiate a new CCW protocol on lethal autonomous weapons systems.” Using Slaughterbots and several other case studies, this presentation focuses on strategies developed by the Games and Visual Effects Research Lab (G+VERL) at the University Of Hertfordshire to facilitate impactful research. G+VERL’s current research investigates moving image dramaturgy in terms of medium and modality and has focused recently on VR and AI. Employing a truly interdisciplinary approach to problem solving, the team has created impactful projects with particle physicists, choreographers, astronomers and filmmakers. The Voight-Kampff test continues to be G+VERL’s key methodology in the hunt for narrative replicants.

Biography: Now a well-established academic, Peter began his career in the film industry. Throughout the 1990s and into the early 2000’s Peter directed music videos, commercials, feature length documentaries and drama. Recent work includes: Miss Donnithorne’s Maggot (2014), which he wrote and directed based on Sir Peter Maxwell Davies’s opera; The Slotin Paradox (2018), a hybrid documentary about radiation; and Zero Point VR, a VR installation staged at The Barbican in London and at CILECT 2017 in Zurich. Now Research Professor in Film and Head of Screen at the University Of Hertfordshire UK, Peter is also founding Director of The Games and Visual Effects Research Lab (G+VERL). At G+VERL Peter leads a team of interdisciplinary researchers based in six European countries investigating film and television technology, VR, AR and storytelling hybridity.