

    1. Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Scott J, Auh S, Theodore WH. Confusing placebo effect with natural history in epilepsy: A big data approach. Ann Neurol. 2015 Sep;78(3):329-36. Epub 2015 Jul 29. PubMed PMID: 26150090.

    2. Goldenholz DM, Tharayil JJ, Kuzniecky R, Karoly P, Theodore WH, Cook MJ. Simulating Clinical Trials With and Without Intracranial Data. Epilepsia Open 2017 18 Jan.

    3. Tharayil JJ, Chiang S, Moss R, Stern JM, Theodore WH, Goldenholz DM. A big data approach to the development of mixed-effects models for seizure count data. Epilepsia. 2017 May; 58(5):835-844.

    4. Goldenholz DM, Tharayil J, Moss R, Myers E, Theodore WH. Monte Carlo Simulations of Randomized Clinical Trials in Epilepsy. Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology. 2017. 24 May.

    5. Goldenholz DM, Goldenholz SR, Moss R, French J, Lowenstein D, Kuzniecky R, Haut S, Cristofaro S, Detyniecki K, Hixson J, Karoly P, Cook M, Strashny A, Theodore WH, Pieper C. Does accounting for seizure frequency variability increase clinical trial power? Epilepsy Res. 2017 Jul 25. pii: S0920-1211(17)30268-1.

    6. Goldenholz DM, Strashny A, Cook M, Moss R, Theodore WH. A multi-dataset time-reversal approach to clinical trial “placebo effects” and the relationship to natural variability in epilepsy. Seizure 2017 Oct 23; 53:31-36.10.1016/j.seizure.2017.10.016

    7. Goldenholz DM, Goldenholz SR, Moss R, French J, Lowenstein D, Kuzniecky R, Haut S, Cristofaro S, Detnyiecki K, Hixson J, Karoly P, Cook M, Strashny A, Theodore W. Is seizure frequency variance a predictable quantity? Ann Clin Transl Neurol. doi:10.1002/acn3.519

    8. *Karoly P, *Goldenholz DM, Cook MJ. Are the days of counting seizures numbered? Current Opinion in Neurology 2018, Jan 22. doi: 10.1097/WCO.0000000000000533

    9. Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Crone N, Krauss G, Picard R, Caborni C, Cavazos J, Hixson J, Loddenkemper T, Dixon Salazar T, Lubbers L, Harte L, Whittemore V, Duun-Henriksen J, Dolan E, Katuria N, Oberemk M, Cook M, Lemkuhl M, Sperling M, Shafer P. Common data elements for epilepsy mobile health systems. Epilepsia 2018.

    10. Chiang S, Vannucci M, Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Stern J. Epilepsy as a Dynamic Disease: A Model for Differentiating Seizure Risk from Natural Variability. Epilepsia Open 2018, 3: 236-246.

    11. Goldenholz DM, Rakesh K, Gaínza Lein M, Hodgeman R, Moss R, Theodore W, Loddenkemper T. Different as night and day: isolated seizures, clusters and status epilepticus. Epilepsia 2018 Apr 23.

    12. Goldenholz DM, Goldenholz SR, Krishnamurthy KB, Halamka J, Karp B, Tyburski M, Wendler D, Moss R, Preston KL, Theodore WH. Using mobile location data in biomedical research while preserving privacy. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2018 Jun 7.

    13. Ferastraoaru V, Goldenholz DM, Chiang S, Moss R, Theodore WH, Haut SR. Characteristics of large patient-reported outcomes: Where can one million seizures get us? Epilepsia Open, 2018 3: 364-37.

    14. Karoly PJ, Goldenholz DM, Freestone DR, Moss RE, Grayden DB, Theodore WH, Cook MJ. Circadian and circaseptan rhythms in human epilepsy; a retrospective study. Lancet Neurology, 2018, Nov;17(11):977-985 .

    15. *Casassa C, *Rathbun LE, Goldenholz DM. Opinion and Special Articles: Self-management in epilepsy: Web-based seizure tracking applications. Neurology2018 Nov 20;91(21):e2027-e2030. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000006547

    16. *Goldenholz DM, *Karoly P, Cook MJ. Are the days of counting seizures numbered? Current Opin Neurol. 2018 Jan 22. doi: 10.1097/wco.0000000000000533

    17. Schneider LD, Moss RE, Goldenholz DM. Daylight saving time transitions are not associated with increased seizure incidence. Epilepsia. 2019 Mar 19.

    18. Karoly PJ, Romero J, Cook MJ, Freestone DR, Goldenholz DM. When can we trust responders? Serious concerns when using 50% response rate to assess clinical trials. Epilepsia. 2019 Sep;60(9):e99-e103. doi: 10.1111/epi.16321.

    19. *Oliveira A, *Romero JM, Goldenholz DM. Comparing the efficacy, exposure, and cost of clinical trial analysis methods. Epilepsia 2019 Nov 14. doi: 10.1111/epi.16384

    20. Chiang S, Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Rao VR, Haneef Z, Theodore WH, Kleen JK, Gavvala J, Vannucci M, Stern JM. Prospective validation study of an epilepsy seizure risk system for outpatient evaluation. 2020;61(1):29–38. doi: 10.1111/epi.16397

    21. Romero J, Larimer P, Chang B, Goldenholz SR, Goldenholz DM. Natural variability in seizure frequency: implications for trials and placebo. Epilepsy Research. 2020 Mar 6;162:106306. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2020.106306

    22. Chiang S, Haut SR, Ferastraoaru V, Rao VR, Baud MO, Theodore WH, Moss R, Goldenholz DM. Individualizing the definition of seizure clusters based on temporal clustering analysis. Epilepsy Res. 2020 Apr 9;163:106330. doi: 10.1016/j.eplepsyres.2020.106330

    23. Ayub N, Chiang S, Moss R, Goldenholz DM. Natural history of generalized motor seizures: A retrospective analysis. Seizure. 2020 Aug;80:109-112. doi:10.1016/j.seizure.2020.05.019

    24. Goldenholz DM, Goldenholz SR. Placebo in epilepsy. Int Rev Neurobiol. 2020;153:231-266. doi:10.1016/bs.irn.2020.03.033.

    25. Goldenholz DM, Goldenholz SR, Romero J, Moss R, Sun H, Westover B. Development and validation of forecasting next reported seizure using e-diaries. Annals of Neurology, 2020 Sep;88(3):588-595.

    26. Romero J, Goldenholz DM. Statistical efficiency of patient data in randomized clinical trials of epilepsy treatments. Epilepsia 2020, Oct;61(10):2323-2324

    27. Romero J, Goldenholz DM. Statistical efficiency of patient data in randomized clinical trials of epilepsy treatments adds value. Epilepsia. 2020 Oct;61(10):2323-2324

    28. Casassa C, Moss R, Goldenholz DM. Epilepsy during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown: a US population survey. Epileptic Disorders, 2021 Apr 1;23(2):257-267.

    29. LaGrant B, Goldenholz DM, Braun M, Moss RE, Grinspan ZM. Patterns of recording epileptic spasms in an electronic seizure diary compared to video EEG and historical cohorts. Pediatric Neurology. 2021, 2021 Apr 23;122:27-34. 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2021.04.008

    30. Chiang S, Picard RW, Chiong W, Moss R, Worrell GA, Rao VR, Goldenholz DM. Guidelines for Conducting Ethical Artificial Intelligence Research in Neurology: A Systematic Approach for Clinicians and Researchers, Neurology 2021 Sep 28;97(13):632-64.

    31. Romero J, Chiang S, Goldenholz DM. Can machine learning improve randomized clinical trial analysis? Seizure 2021 Oct;91:499-502.10.1016/j.seizure.2021.07.033


    1. Ferastraoaru V, Moss R, Goldenholz DM, Haut S. Patterns of seizure clustering in Tuberous Sclerosis Complex: results from the SeizureTracker database. AES abstract 2015.

    2. Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Theodore W. Why do placebos decrease seizures in clinical trials? Epilepsy Currents, Vol. 15, No. s1, January/February 2015: pg 28.

    3. Goldenholz DM, Cook M, Moss R, Theodore WH. What drives the placebo effect? A retrospective study across trials. American Academy of Neurology abstract 2016.

    4. Kapur K, Goldenholz DM, Gaínza Lein M, Hodgeman R, Moss R, Theodore WH, Loddenkemper T. Associations between types and timing of seizures with status epilepticus and seizure clusters: results from SeizureTracker database. American Academy of Neurology abstract 2016.

    5. Tharayil J, Moss R, Theodore WH, Goldenholz DM. Statistical Models of Seizure Frequency in Patients Using AES abstract 2016.

    6. Goldenholz DM, Moss R, French J, Lowenstein D, Kuzniecky R, Haut S, Cristofaro S, Hixon J, Karoly P, Cook M, Theodore WH. Predicting the variability of seizure frequency: the pathway to precision. AES abstract 2016.

    7. Karoly PJ, Nurse ES, Ung H, Freestone DR, Goldenholz DM, Kuhlmann L, Boston R, Grayden DB, Cook MJ. It never rains but it pours: intrinsic clustering of epileptic activity. AES abstract 2016

    8. Chiang S, Vannucci M, Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Theodore W, Stern J. Variations in the natural history of epilepsy and epilepsy subgroups. AES abstract 2016.

    9. *Sánchez Fernández I, *Goldenholz DM, Gaínza Lein M, Moss R, Theodore WH, Loddenkemper T. Prediction of time of occurrence and length of seizures based on basic demographic and clinical data using machine learning algorithms. AES abstract 2016.

    10. Goldenholz DM, Tharayil J, Moss R, Myers E, Theodore WH. Would shorter clinical trials have HIGHER statistical power? A supercomputer simulation study. AES 2017 Abstract.

    11. Loddenkemper T, Goldenholz DM, Sánchez Fernández I, Gaínza-Lein M, Moss R, Theodore W. Machine learning methods for seizure prediction using patient-reported cinical data from a digital diary. AES 2017 Abstract.

    12. Chiang S, Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Stern J. Epilepsy as a dynamic disease: statistical modeling of transitions between seizure risk states. AES 2017 Abstract.

    13. Chiang, S, Vannuci M, Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Stern J. Epilepsy as a Dynamic Disease: Modeling Seizure Burden Based on Transitions Between Seizure Risk States. AAN 2018 Abstract.

    14. Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Herman S. Is seizure risk forecasting possible using patient reported seizure diaries without EEG or biosensor data? AES 2018.

    15. Casassa C, Rathburn E, Goldenholz DM. Self-Management in Epilepsy: Web-Based Seizure Tracking Applications. AES 2018.

    16. Ayub N, Chiang S, Moss R, Goldenholz DM. Longitudinal SUDEP Risk Stratification with Electronic Diaries. AES 2018.

    17. Karoly PJ, Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Theodore WH, Grayden DB, Freestone DR, Cook MJ. Multi-day seizure cycles: daily, weekly and monthly patterns. AES 2018.

    18. LaGrant B, Goldenholz D, Moss R, Grinspan Z. Analysis of a Database of Children with Infantile Spasms in Seizure Tracker (TM). Child Neurology Society 2019.

    19. Goldenholz DM, Moss R. Phase II and III trials for less money: harnessing variability. Harvard/MIT CRS Regulatory Science Symposium 2019.

    20. Romero J, Goldenholz DM. Model of natural variability in seizure count data. Harvard/MIT CRS Regulatory Science Symposium 2019.

    21. Chang S, Haut S, Ferastraoaru V, Rao V, Baud M, Theodore W, Moss R, Goldenholz D. A new definition of seizure clusters based on temporal clustering patterns in seizure diaries (P3.5-028). AAN May 7, 2019.

    22. Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Sun H, Westover B. Comparing non-EEG deep learning seizure forecaster to a rate-matched random forecaster. AES 2019.

    23. Oliveira A, Romero J, Goldenholz DM. Using Deep Learning and fifty percent responder rate as a base to develop more efficient clinical trial analysis. AES 2019.

    24. Romero J, Goldenholz DM. Expected placebo response of patients in epilepsy trials. AES 2019.

    25. Chiang S, Haut S, Ferastraoaru V, Rao VR, Baud M, Theodore WH, Moss R, Goldenholz DM. Individualizing the definition of seizure clusters based on temporal clustering analysis. AES 2019.

    26. Goldenholz DM, Moss R, Sun H, Westover B. Seizure forecasting using deep learning and mHealth. BIDMC AI/ML Symposium 2020 session 3.

    27. LaGrant B, Goldenholz DM, Braun M., Moss RE, Grinspan ZG. Parent use of electronic seizure diaries for infantile spasms and comparison to video EEG. AES 2020.