
Working Papers

Teacher Labor Market Policy and the Theory of the Second Best (with Michael Bates, Michael Dinerstein, and Andrew Johnston).  [PDFNBER #29728], August 2024, revised and resubmitted, Quarterly Journal of Economics.

Employers and Unemployment Insurance Take-up (with Marta Lachowska and Stephen Woodbury). [PDF, NBER #30266],  February 2024, revised and resubmitted, American Economic Review.

Quantifying Racial Disparities Using Consecutive Employment Spells. [PDF, preliminary and incomplete], July 2023.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Granular Search, Market Structure, and Wages (with Gregor Jarosch and Jan Sebastian Nimczik).  [Official Link, PDF, NBER #26239], January 2024, forthcoming, Review of Economic Studies.  

The Slow Diffusion of Earnings Inequality (with Melanie Wallskog).  [Official Link, PDF, Appendix, code, NBER #30977], Journal of Labor Economics, 41(S1): S95-S127, 2023.

Bartik Instruments: What, When, Why, and How (with Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham and Henry Swift). [Official Link, PDF, NBER #24408, Code, Replication Archive].  American Economic Review, 110(8): 2586-2624, 2020.

Discussed by: Development Impact 

Reconsidering the Consequences of Worker Displacements: Firm versus Worker Perspective (with Aaron Flaaen and Matthew D. Shapiro). [Official Link, PDF, Appendix, NBER #24077].  American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 11(2): 193-227, 2019.

Ranking Firms Using Revealed Preference [Official Link, PDF, Appendix, NBER #23938, Code].  Quarterly Journal of Economics 133(3): 1331-1393, 2018.

Discussed by: A Fine Theorem, Modeled Behavior, Marginal Revolution 

Industry Dynamics and the Minimum Wage: A Putty-Clay Approach (with Daniel Aaronson, Eric French and Ted To).  [Official Link, PDF].  International Economic Review 59(1): 51-84, 2018.  

Discussed by: The Economist, The New York Times (1), The New York Times (2)New York Times (3), Marginal Revolution, Wall Street Journal Real Time Economics Blog, The Atlantic Monthly Online, Equitable Growth Blog (Nick Bunker)

Are There Long-Run Effects of the Minimum Wage?  [Official LinkPDF, Replication Archive]. Review of Economic Dynamics 18(1): 306-333, 2015.

Discussed by: The Economist, Slate, Marginal Revolution, Congressional Budget Office, Richmond Fed Econ Focus, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung;  home bias: Supply-Side Liberal (Miles Kimball), EconJeff (Jeff Smith), @JustinWolfers


Other Publications

The Role of Firms in Gender Earnings Inequality: Evidence from the U.S.  [Official Link, PDF].  American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings 107(5): 384-387, 2017.

What Does the Changing Sectoral Composition of the Economy Mean for Workers?  [Official Link, PDF].  Chicago Fed Letter #358, 2016.

Discussed by: Marginal Revolution