
I am Assistant Professor of Economics at ESMT Berlin.  My research focuses on the labor market.

I am also affiliated to the ROCKWOOL Foundation Berlin Institute, the Institute for Employment Research (IAB)the Berlin School of Economics Research Associates program, and a Research Fellow at IZA. I pursued my PhD at the University of Mannheim, Germany.

You can find my CV here and my Google Scholar profile here.

Working Papers

Information Frictions and Learning Dynamics: Evidence from Tax Bunching in Ecuador (with Albrecht Bohne), March 2024, accepted, Scandinavian Journal of Economics [previous version: IZA DP No. 11536]

The Long-Run Effects of Immigration: Evidence Across a Barrier to Refugee Settlement (with Antonio Ciccone), December 2023, [CEPR DP 17152] [IZA DP 15185]

[rbb, wdr5, global focus, inclusive productivity, swr2, latest thinking]

Harnessing Deductions to Increase Tax Compliance and Formalization (with Albrecht Bohne), June 2023, revise & resubmit, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy

Job Mobility Networks and Data-driven Labor Markets, April 2023, revise & resubmit, Journal of Labor Economics 

German Prize for Economics (2nd Prize) from the Joachim Herz FoundationYoung Labour Economist Prize 2016 of the European Association of Labour Economists UniCredit Econ Job Market Best Paper Award 2016Best Poster Prize at the EALE/SOLE World Conference 2015 in Montréal [poster]


Granular Search, Market Structure, and Wages (with Gregor Jarosch and Isaac Sorkin), January 2024, [Official Link][IZA #12574] [NBER #26239], Review of Economic Studies, forthcoming

Internal Labor Markets: A Worker Flow Approach (with Ingrid Huitfeldt, Andreas Kostøl, and Andrea Weber), Journal of Econometrics, Vol. 233, Issue 2, p. 661-688 (2023)

Personality Traits Across the Life Cycle: Disentangling Age, Period, and Cohort Effects (with Bernd Fitzenberger, Gary Mena, and Uwe Sunde), The Economic Journal, Vol. 132, Issue 646, p. 2141-2172 (2022)

Contact Info

Office Address:

ESMT Berlin

Schlossplatz 1

10178 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 21231 1555

Email: jan [dot] nimczik [at] esmt [dot] org