2017:  Germany - Kolbermoor from 2-6 august 2017

2017.01.02: Invitation

XIII 2017 International Symposium in Kolbermoor


Invitation to all bloomery fire researchers


Teams from the bloomery fire scene in Germany last attended an international symposium in 2009 and 2013. Now the time has come again in 2017. The “hot furnaces” are being built in Kolbermoor, Upper Bavaria. Dates: 2 to 6 August 2017.


Kolbermoor has made a name for itself with its biennial for blacksmiths over the last 20 years. Bloomery fires have already burned at two of these blacksmith festivals in the Upper Bavarian city, fascinating the spectators. In the coming year, the town near Rosenheim intends to join the group of twelve communities that have organised an international bloomery fire symposium.


The “Europäisches Zentrum für Zeitgemäße Metallgestaltung e.V.” (European Centre for Contemporary Metal Design) that also organises the biennials is issuing invitations to the XIII symposium of “iron makers” from Wednesday, August 2 to Sunday, August 6. It is partnering with the town of Kolbermoor that is providing a suitable site near a sports field with infrastructure on the edge of the town. Two 10 x 5 metre tents are being set up there for presentations and exhibitions. Staying here overnight is possible as well. The town will add the symposium to the child holiday program.

While part of the site is flat, there is also a slope where the furnaces can be built. Directly adjacent to this space is the central building of a sports field with showers.


Electricity, lighting and the required materials are being supplied by the town’s building yard, which has already proven itself very well during the blacksmith's biennials.  Invitations to the bloomery fire teams are being issued at the beginning of 2017. A list of supplies will be sent out with the invitation. The organisers are attempting to organise “test material” from nearby ore pits.


To ensure you receive an invitation, you can send a request by e-mail now: peter.elgass@metall-aktiv.de

the programm of  ISD2017