September 2014

September 2014

September Meeting

DATE & TIME: Saturday, September 6, 2014. Potluck supper begins at 6:30 pm. Hosts are Anita and Ed.

PLACE: Meeting location at Eagles Lodge, 2420 South Avenue W. Meeting room is on the east end of the building.

PROGRAM: The new director of the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula has been invited to come and get to know MIS.


Welcome to our new member, Joyce Werner. Please add her to your membership list:

Joyce Werner, 524 Evan Kelly Road, Missoula, MT 59802

phone 728-0196, cell 510-681-5770, e-mail


Lynn Weger has had double hip surgery. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Alverta Symes is home from the hospital. She appreciates calls. We wish her the best.


August 23, 2014


June 25, 2014 Balance $ 8,196.67

Interest Earned 0.45

Deposit from Iris Sale 3,421.00

Ann Violette Memorial receipts 40.00

Closing of Certificate of Deposit 3,751.16

Balance $ 15,409.28

Less Expenditures 1,200.00

August 24, 2014 Balance $ 14,209.28


June 25, 2014 Balance $ 715.75

Deposits to Account 1,078.00

Expenditures paid 1,130.37

August 24, 2014 Balance $ 663.37

Savings Account: The long held Certificate of Deposit came due on August and the decision was made to close out the CD due to small amount of interest being paid on the deposit by the financial industries on this type of savings. We get almost the same amount of earned interest value for our savings account so the CD funds were transferred to the this account on August 11 per the value listd above. Expenditures- $500 was taken out as cash to set up the cash boxes for our rhizome sale on July 26. These funds were replaced in the savings account on July 29 when the sales receipts were deposited and $700 was transferred to the checking account on August 11 to pay for expenses incurred during the sale as explained in the checking account below.

Checking Account: Deposits to the account were $67 from the auction of rhizomes during the after sale party at Billie Gray's home; $211 in receipts from the grab bag sales of left over rhizomes; $100 in refund of grab bag cash box set up funds; and $ 700 from the savings account; Total = $ 1,078.

Expenses paid were $160 to Star Rental for tables during the rhizome sale; $43.22 to Carol Addeo for pre-sale expenses; $9.99 to Gary Clark for a Sunshine floral bouquet to Alverta Symes; $88.70 to Elizabeth Gustafson for food expenses during the sale and after sale party; $100 to Friends of HMFM for the MIS membership to the Historical Museum; $100 as a gift to the HMFM for use of the fort grounds for our sale; $45.48 for Fort iris garden expenses incurred; $100 in cash to set up a grab bag sale cash box; $365 to the Missoulian for advertisements for the rhizome sale two times in the paper and also on the internet during the week prior to the sale; $99 to Valley Press/Mineral Independent for advertising for the sale in out of town newspapers; and 18.99 to Erling Gustafson to the purchase of 1 Brother name tag cartridge to make 37 identification tags for the new irises planted at the Fort Garden. Total = $1130.38

Letters of condolences and thank you were forwarded to Don Violette and to his son regarding the receipt of Ann Violette memorial funds. A letter was also forwarded to the donor with regards to our acknowledgment of the memorial and explaining the tax deductability of the donation.


The meeting of July 12, 2014 was called to order by President Ed Verplancke at 7:30 p.m at the home of Gary Clarke and Steve Hesla.

The minutes of the June meeting were approved as printed by a motion from Cindy Davis, seconded by Jim Sadler. The treasurer’s report was also approved as published in the newsletter. The only changes are that two checks to AIS have not yet cleared. The motion to approve was made by Cindy Davis, seconded by Bob Symes.

A moment of silence was held for Ann Violette, who recently passed away. A sympathy card was circulated. Jim Sadler spoke for a moment in appreciation of his friendship with Ann.

Jim Sadler will assume the duties of Regional Vice President until November when the AIS board will meet.

Old Business

Show: Appreciation and applause were shown to Gary Clark and Cindy Davis for overseeing a fine iris show in June.

Swede mentioned the cash awards donated by three businesses. Two $25 awards were from Wigenn Nursery; one went to Fred Frey for the sweepstakes and to Elizabeth Friesz for the bronze award. Additional $25 award from Marchies Nursery went to Swede Gustafson for Best of Show, a $10 award from Pink Grizzly went to Donna Dowell for best design and another $10 award from Pink Grizzly went to Judy Blunt for most blue ribbons.

Rhizome Sale: Carol Addeo discussed plans for the sale to be held July 26, 2014. Help will be needed on Sunday, July 20th at Fort Missoula Iris Gardens digging, cleaning, trimming and marking. Ed will mark the iris for digging and he hopes to have the digging finished by 8 a.m. Bring chairs and clippers. Labels and markers will be available.

Fred Frey is digging a lot from his iris gardens and he requests help with cleaning, marking and trimming the week of July 20th.

Fred needs 30 more publicity fliers; Cindy will have some printed by Tuesday. Bob Symes will pick up tables by 8 a.m. Cashier volunteers are Cindy, Gary, Donna and Judy.

Sorting will begin at Carol’s yard on Thursday and Friday. Friday evening will be a supper of grilled hamburgers and pot luck salads. Bob will mix the ingredients for Bob’s burgers, Donna will make potato salad. Food will be provided the day of the sale as follows: Judy will make baked cinnamon rolls and donuts, Betty Ann will provide coffee. The after sale party will be at Billie Gray’s home as usual and Betty Ann Gustafson will bring the pizza and chicken.

New Business

Affiliation: Ed announced we are officially affiliated with AIS.

Memory Album: Donna Dowell requested a volunteer to do the historic duties online; a discussion followed. Ed reminded everyone that our website is full of pictures and history and can be our source for pictorial history; pictures and information can be e mailed to Ed and history will be placed on our website.

Sunshine Report: Bob Symes reported that Alverta is in the hospital at St. Pat’s as of Saturday a.m. They expect to receive a pressure chamber of healing oxygen to beat the infection caused by radiation three years ago. She is in room 546 and welcomes visitors or calls.

RVP report: Jim Sadler reported that the AIS judges report has to be completed by August 1, 2014.

He suggested judges do an organized walking tour together which would count as credit for all. No final decision was made.

Presidential Rhizome: Won by Anita Cervenak.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:37 p.m. by a motion of Bob Symes; seconded by Donna Dowell.

Respectfully submitted,

Carol Addeo


Addendum to the minutes: Bob Symes was unable pick up tables and make burgers for the sale due to family health issues. Al Ledford filled in by picking up the tables on sale day and grilling the burgers on Friday. Thanks Al.

A new year begins for the drawing of presidential rhizomes. Those presidential rhizomes which were not able to be presented to the winners at the after-sale party have been temporarily planted in the Fort Garden.