05 may 2005


Hi, Gang! Here is the May Newsletter. We will be striving to make our meetings more fun and interesting for everyone. So let's all get into a group spirit and invite some one you know to our meetings. Thanks.

Note from the President: We all should remember the AIS Slide Show Quiz held at Billie Gray�s home in February. The men clearly beat the women in the score, but the ladies have now backed out of the bargain and are claiming that the men were �unsportsman-like� in our actions!! The men have decided that we can�t win in arguing about it with the ladies, (what�s new?) and so we will be having a �Recount Quiz� again in November at Billies house to find out once and for all who is the winner. This is turning into a grudge match now. I think that it was �unsportsman-like� of the ladies to back out of paying up when they were the ones that kept the score!!

Pete Addeo,

Webmaster & President

Missoula Iris Society


DATE & TIME: Saturday, May 7, 2005 at 6:30pm

PLACE: Home of Pete & Carol Addeo. Call 251-5833 for directions. Theme for the pot luck is Italian. The featured meal with be lasagna. Meeting is hosted by Ann Violette and Elinor Utech. Ann & Elinor have suggested that we keep the motif �Italian� for the potluck. So let�s all bring something that goes with Italian or with Lasagna.

PROGRAM: Video tape of Lumas Gardens and Butchart Gardens in British Columbia.


Meeting Locations/Activities for 2005 - Here's the list for the rest of the year's club activities:

May 22nd - Median Show at Southgate Mall chaired by Gary Clark.

June 4th - Meeting at Ken & Rose Mary Baier's, pot luck

June 11th - Annual Iris Show, Southgate Mall

June 11th - Judges Training with John Ludi on Awards & Ballots, 2pm - 4pm

June 12th - Judges Training with John Ludi on Garden Judging

July 9th - Meeting at Bob & Alverta Symes', potluck, hosts to provide the best grilled hamburgers

July 30th - Annual Iris Sale, Fort Gardens, 9am - 1pm. After sale party at Billie Gray's

August - No Meeting

September 10th - Meeting at Gary Clark's, potluck, hosted by Ronn Dunn

October 1st - Meeting at Honk Meyer's

November 5th - Meeting at Billie Gray's

December 4th - Sunday - Annual Christmas Party hosted by Ken & Rose Mary Baier

It's Their Birthday!!....Let's Give 'Em a Cheer!!!

Happy day to Honk Meyer � May 24th, Cleo Swanson � May 26th, and Pete Addeo � May 9th. Have a happy birthday and all the good wishes and cheers that go along with it.

Fort Gardens Work Party: there is a scheduled work party for this Saturday, April 30th at 10:00 am. Let�s all get together on a nice spring day and get the gardens spruced up.

New Members: We have 2 old new members that have rejoined our group; Joyce Walters, 233 Pistol Lane, Victor, MT 59875 � 642-3119, gardenshow@bigsky.net; and Denise Severson, same address, 643-3592, severson@montana.com. Welcome back and hope to see you at the meetings again.

Minutes of the Missoula Iris Society Meeting, Saturday, April 2, 2005:

The meeting was called to order by President Pete Addeo at 7:53 p.m. at the home of Gary Clark.

Minutes - The minutes from the March meeting were corrected as follows: Treasurer report given to secretary had numbers transposed. Checking account balance as of February 1, 2005 should have stated $675.66, not $657.66 as shown in minutes. Guest name should have been Grace Sager, not Grace Baker.

Treasurers Report - The treasurer's report appeared in the newsletter for April and was approved as written.

Checking Account Balance as of March 1, 2005 698.26

Expenses paid:

Big Sky Publications - newsletters for

March, April & May 2005 -100.00

Checking Account Balance as of March 31, 2005 $598.26


Fort Gardens - Co Chair Claudia Brown announced a work party scheduled for Saturday, April 9th at 10 a.m. and again on Saturday, April 30th. There are not many weeds, so main chores are clean up leaves and fertilize, about 2 hours of work.

Garden Beds: Bob Symes and Honk Meyer touched up the painted signs. Assignment of beds are as follows: Cindy Davis, 19 and 20, Swede Gustafson, 11,12 & 14, Nancy Ryan, Gary Clark and Fred Frey, bed 7, Carol and Pete Addeo 8, Billie Gray 6, Ron Dunn and Jon Bonnickson 1, Hazel Richlie 2, Sonia Dellapiazza 4, Ann Violette 21 and 22. Complete renovation of beds 5 and 6 will occur after July sale. It was suggested we take pictures of our beds and keep track of the flower bloom.

Median Show - The corrected brochures for the Sunday, May 22 Median Show from 1:00 - 5:00 were passed out. Gary Clark said the show theme is "Journey with Lewis and Clark". It will have 4-5 tables. Ann Violette will enter an article in the newspaper to encourage public entries.

Iris Show - Ann has posters and programs ready. Theme is "Hurray for Hollywood" on June 11th at Southgate Mall. Ann is doing publicity. Black table cloth covers will be provided by the mall.

Rhizome Sale - It was reported that Ron Dowell seems committed to chair the sale; however Ron was absent from the meeting to verify this.

Sale Card Work Party - Alverta reported on the recent work party. Elinor Utech and Sonia Dellapiazza were the only two to show up and they worked hard.

Memorial Bench - Still no progress on plans for two benches in honor of Bob Gray and Jesse Utech. Jim Sadler, who was absent, had done some planning work on this No action was taken as Jim Sadler was absent. Funds available for the benches are $381.00. Pete will contact Jim.


Welcome Jon - Ron Dunn introduced long time member Jon Bonnickson, who attended his first meeting.

Judges Training - Alverta Symes announced a Judges Training Class will be held Sunday, April 24th at Ken and Rose Mary Baier's home from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. The subject will be Siberian Iris.

Rose Markers - Swede has the markers available now. Ken and Cleo Swanson have about 100 used markers available for members. Rose markers are the two-piece ones on wire holders.

AIS Slide Show with Quiz - Because the men are convinced they won the previous multiple choice quiz in February against the women, and the men are showing some poor sportsman-like behavior claiming the "rules were changed", after lots of laughs and jokes, it was decided to have a "recounted quiz", men against the women in November at Billie Gray's home. The AIS slides will need to be re-ordered for the "recount quiz".

May Meeting - Ann Violette and Elinor Utech will host the May 7th meeting at the home of Pete and Carol Addeo in Linda Vista. The pot luck dinner theme will be Italian. Ann and Elinor promised lasagne will be served. Program after the meeting will include a video tape on the Lumas Gardens, about 20 minutes long and a video tape of Butchart Gardens in British Columbia, about 30 minutes long.

Presidential Rhizomes - Ron Dunn won the rhizome for April.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. followed by a presentation by Billie Gray on Iris culture.

Respectfully submitted,

Carolyn Addeo