The International Permaculture Network in Africa, Mediterranean and the Middle East initiative has been registered as a UN Rio+20 commitment to the Future We Want.

IPNAMME perspective of permaculture ♥:

Permaculture is a concept pertaining to conservation of the environment, land and human communities. It's a sort of regenerative dynamic ecological designs/activities which are meant to simulate the equilibrium of natural processes and interact constructively with them. This can lead to sustainable growth when growth is required or to degrowth when the latter is required. We regard permaculture as the path for a sustainable future of our lands, environemnt and communities.

IPNAMME is a unique partnership instituted by the International-Curricula Educators Association, winner of Educating Africa Award 2011, and UN accredited for Rio+20. IPNAMME aims at networking the interested current and prospective permaculture educational farms as well as training centers, in the region of Africa, Mediterranean and the Middle East, so as to link them to the rest of the world. Permaculture is hard to fit under any specific mitigation category or specific scientific domain because of its holistic nature.

Hence came the need for complexity and circularity in management and partnerships.

The initiative made in Rio+20 towards the "Future We Want"

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