question(s) & answer(s)
spread / basic(s) / mission(s) / wiki
... as explained in the disclaimer(s), I use this course as an experiment in (active) online learning, ... students are expected to be self-organising, and to support this process, (all) students will be allocated to (one or more of the) groups, to be formed in the first session(s):
- organisation -- to lead sessions & discussions
- wiki editor(s) -- to regulate & supervise wiki contributions
- technical support -- to provide advice & assistance
... and, as indicated in the outline description of this course, (all) students are moreover expected to contribute regularly to the wiki, by submitting their assignments, giving feedback on the presentations, and by setting up and taking part in discussions on relevant topics, and, ..., to disclose my strategy in the supervision of this course, the online classroom (wiki) provides a convenient facility to monitor the contribution(s) of the student(s) ...
Only in the case that there is a real need for an answer to an urgent question from my part, or of you wish to submit a personal portfolio, you may contact me by email:
create / learn / observe / play / topical media