



engineer(s):: blackboard / mailinglist

overview -- contribution(s) / education(s) / disclaimer(s)

    • guest lecture on tuesdays / present/discuss research papers provided by the lecturers in your working groups on thursdays
    • the first working group meeting, there will not be any student presentations, but students will have read and made the assignment for the first week
    • each subsequent meeting, 2 or 3 students should present one paper each which leads into a discussion, supervised by you [correction: by panel of students (Æ)]
    • presentations can take 10-15 minutes (up to the student) and are in english
    • students have to submit short answers to questions that I will give them on BB the tuesday before + propose 1 additional discussion question, [addition: to be submitted via the student(s) site (Æ)]
    • students also have to write a 2-page paper about one of the topics of their choice, deadline is 23 october.
    • final grade: based on contribution(s) & peer review(s)
        1. working groups (50%): a) active participation & attendance b) presentation(s) and c) answers to discussion questions
        2. final paper (50%)
    • my additional rule(s): students have to apply for grading via the wiki, with a motivated indication of their desired grade, possibly supported by (other) students comments! (Æ)


mail: 31/8/2016:

Dear Ivano, Hajo, Anton, Tobias and Lora (and Benjamin),

The Introduction IMM course will start next week and I am very glad to have you on board as tutors for the working groups. There are only minor changes from previous years, but I wanted to inform you of the details through this mail. The blackboard page is currently being updated, but you can find the overall and your personal schedule there. The working groups are on thursdays and fridays. Please check your roster again to make sure you are there.

Students get a guest lecture on Tuesdays (one on monday). They read papers related to this lecture and submit answers to questions as well as discussion questions for working groups. During these meetings, they present/discuss the papers. In the first working group meeting, there will not be any student presentations, but students will have read and made the assignment for the first week. You can use this meeting to set ground rules, practice the discussion etcetera and establish a schedule for the presentations of subsequent weeks.

In each subsequent meeting, 2 or 3 students should present one paper each which leads into a discussion, led by these students, supervised by you. Set up a schedule during the first meeting. The presentations can take 10-15 minutes and are in English. The instructor gives short feedback on presentation style and can also ask other students to give feedback. Also, students have to submit short answers to questions that I will give them on BB and they have to propose 1 additional discussion question. This is to be handed by Thursday 10am (there is an assignment for this on BB, but you can also make other arrangements). Make clear arrangements about this during the first meeting (and adjust the deadline if it really is unsuitable for you). We’re aiming for something like 13 students per group (2/3 talks per week).

The final grade for this course will be based on two factors: 1) Participation in the working groups: 50% (This grade is determined in equal parts by a) active participation and attendance b) presentation(s) and c) the answers to the discussion questions) and 2) Final paper: 50% This is a 2 page paper on one of the topics of the course. During the later working groups (week 4 on) students start working on this and you can discuss how to write a good short paper. Details can be found on BB. I will provide rubrics for these things for the sake of consistency.

If a student can't attend a working group: they have to inform instructor; instructor may assign additional work to compensate (especially if it happens more than once), eg have separate question/answer session with instructor.

It is important that you give personal feedback on the presentations, the homework assignments, the class participation, and the paper. You’ll also need to learn their names, so bring sheets/pens to let students create name tags. [Feedback and clarity of examination received poor scores during last year’s evaluation, so please pay attention to it.] You are of course free to alter the look and feel of your working groups or change communication channels as long as the general learning goals are the same for all students.

The Blackboard site is currently being set up, which will contain all slides, papers, questions, student groups on a week-by-week schedule etc etc. I am also trying to setup a mailing list for our convenience.

If you have any questions or remarks, do not hesitate to email me.

mail: 24/8/2015:

Dear Annette, Anton, Evert, Henrik, Hans and Patricia,

This year, I have taken over the Introduction IMM course from Guus and

I am very glad to have you on board as tutors.

The course will start next week and the six of you will be tutors for

the working groups starting on 3 Sept. There are only minor changes

from previous years, but I wanted to inform you of the details through

this mail.

The blackboard page and the rooster.vu.nl page are currently being

updated, but you can find the overall and your personal schedule

there. The working groups are on thursdays 13.30-15.15. Although there

is an opportunity to move this to friday 11-13 if needed. We have set

up this mailing list (intro-imm-list@few.vu.nl) for general

communication amongst or towards the course staff.

The general idea is that students get a guest lecture on Tuesdays and

have to present/discuss research papers provided by the lecturers in

your working groups on Thursdays/Fridays.

In the first working group meeting, there will not be any student

presentations, but students will have read and made the assignment for

the first week. You can use this to set ground rules, practice the

discussion etcetera and establish a schedule for the presentations of

subsequent weeks.

In each subsequent meeting, 2 or 3 students should present one paper

each which leads into a discussion, supervised by you. Set up a

schedule during the first meeting. The presentations can take 10-15

minutes (up to the student) and are in English. The instructor gives

short feedback on presentation style and can also ask other students

to give feedback.

Also, students have to submit short answers to questions that I will

give them on BB the tuesday before + propose 1 additional discussion

question by Thursday 10am (either through blackboard of through some

other means). Make clear arrangements about this during the first

meeting (and adjust the deadline if it really is unsuitable for you).

We’re aiming for something like 12 students per group (2 talks per


Students also have to write a 2-page paper about one of the topics of

their choice, deadline is 23 October. This is to be graded by you.

During one of the working group lectures you can discuss how to write

a good short paper (I will provide material for this).

The final grade for this course will be based on two factors:

1) Participation in the working groups: 50% (This grade is determined

in equal parts by a) active participation and attendance b)

presentation(s) and c) the answers to the discussion questions)


2) Final paper: 50%

I will provide rubrics for these things for the sake of consistency

If a student can't attend a working group: they have to inform instructor;

instructor may assign additional work to compensate (especially if it

happens more than once), eg have separate question/answer session with

instructor. You also may wat to set other rules, eg raise hand before

asking questions, - switch off telephones

It is important that you give personal feedback on the presentations,

the homework, the class participation, and the paper. You’ll also need

to learn their names, so bring sheets/pens to let students create name

tags. [Feedback and clarity of examination received poor scores during

last year’s evaluation, so please pay attention to it.]

Again, a Blackboard site is currently being set up for the Intro IMM

course, which will contain all slides, papers, questions, student

groups etc etc.

If you have any questions or remarks, do not hesitate to email me.


