
My principal areas of research are topological, combinatorial and geometric group theory. I am primarily interested in the study of geometric, combinatorial, computational and algebraic aspects of geometric objects namely curves on hyperbolic surfaces arising naturally in the study of low-dimensional topology and Riemann surface theory. In this context, I am interested in certain problems related to the length function on Teichmüller space and various combinatorial objects associated to the Teichmüller space.

I am also interested in quasimorphisms of subgroups of diffeomorphism groups of surfaces.

Apart from geometry, I am interested in logic, in particular first order theory of groups which occurs naturally while studying geometric objects, e.g. Braids groups, Mapping class groups, etc.

Publications and preprints:

Center of Poisson and skein algebras associated to loops on surfaces, to appear in Indiana University Mathematics Journal.

Lie bracket of undirected closed curves on a surface (with Moira Chas), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. 375, No. 4 (2022), 2365–2386.

On the entropy norm on the group of diffeomorphisms of closed oriented surface (with Michael Brandenbursky), Journal of Topology and Analysis, Vol. 12, No. 1 (2020) 105-111.

Elementary equivalence in Artin groups of finite type, (with T. V. H. Prathamesh & Rishi Vyas) , International Journal of Algebra and Computation, Volume 28 (02), March 2018.

Equal angles of intersecting geodesics for every hyperbolic metric, New York Journal of Mathematics, Volume 24 (2018) 167-181.

Center of the Goldman Lie algebra, Algebraic & Geometric Topology 16 (2016) 2839–2849.

Unpublished articles: