Poems by Robert R. Rahl

touch hands

beginning and end

touch hands

exchange of gifts

in supple complement

strong and gentle

flowing firm

wildfire quickflash

long leisure lingering

fingering each the other

one another one

an other one

interchange in touch

nets tangling

letting go


trusting in between

letting go to leap

to fresh hold

energies radiant in

intersecting ripples

tingling glow

spreading everywhere at once

focussing there and here

diffusing everywhere

lives intertwining

pulses harmonizing


in delicate dynamic

of anything but homeostatic


Nigra sum sed formosa

morning of all souls

dia de los muertos

moon two days past full

Adam in the back

baking (this day) our daily bread

Our Lady of Guadalupe

shining on his back

black and very beautiful

horse-shoed with black roses

glowing turquoise ultraviolet

under the black light

radiating the racks of loaves

Adam of the Beautiful Woman

taking a smoke break

on the top rail of the back of the bus-bench

under the too-full moon

thick black hair bandannaed

waist apronned in white

smoke curling past the moon

arms naked to the shoulder

dusted with white

swirls of black hair

gone back into the black light

spring sunlight

this morning early

birds singing merry

spring sunlight softened

with tiniest droplets of floating rain

half an arc of rainbow

rising from the south

arching over the forest

where you are

shining from the gray-grey

layers and gradations

of cloud and mist

marking your presence

masking your presence

the rainbow

promising your presence

for the tiniest moment


like you


dissolved into spring sunlight

and bright tears


mysterious fairy beacon

tingling telegraphic current

invisible appeals, soft touches

little hands pulling and tugging

homing in on fragrance of delight

electric thrill of the far-known

riding rising warm air rafts

lifting deeper into promised meeting

skyriver stepping stones

warming with the warmth

delighting with the delight

letting go now catching

surfing the wind's soft shears

wild ecstacy shining

rivering stars deeper delight

tasting the light warmth of night