
Welcome to this personal Intervac exchange website from

Chris&Maaike Dessin
in Gistel

Here you'll find a lot of detailed information about our house, our location and things to do or to visit in the surroundings. If you are not familiar with home exchange, please visit the International Intervac Home Page. Click here: Intervac International home page . We exchange only with Intervac members and prefer real homes instead of holiday locations. 
Our family consists of Chris and Maaike, and Sarala. Three of our four children are married and no more living at home.  Please see our Intervac page under BE095 for exact requirements. But it's most probably that we need at least two bedrooms.
And although our house seems rather large, we have no problem to exchange with small houses or appartments.
We hope these pages will help you in your quest for a holiday house exchange, and we are looking forward to hear from you.
Feel free to propose or ask more information.

Where are we exactly situated ?
We are situated in Flandres, just 15km from wonderful Bruges and 10 km from the beautiful Belgian coast. Brussels and Antwerp is one hour by car.
Go to the next page for details: Page 2: Maps

Our region is flat, and you can spend a lot of time on the beach, in the dunes, discovering the nice ports, or walk around in Bruges, Brussels, or Antwerp of course. On page 4 you'll find some more information about the surroundings. Page 4: The surroundings.
You can find our offer in the Intervac catalogue or on the Intervac website under n° BE095.

  Our Intervac holidays:
1991 Switserland - Rueyeres-St-Laurent (Gruyère) 

1992 England - Dundry (Bristol) 

1993 Sweden - Filipstad 

1994 France - Paris/Disneyland

1994 Switserland - Musswangen 

1995 Ireland - Moycullen (Galway) 

1996 Switserland - Rebeuvelier (Jura) 

1997 France - Odos (Pyrennees) 

1998 Austria - Zwettl 

1999 Corsica - Corte 

2000 France - Les Gets (Haute Savoie) 

2001 Norway - Oslo 

2004 France - La Chambre (Alpes) 

2005 Sweden - Stockholm 

2006 Spain - Sevilla 

2007 France - Soucieu en Jarrest (Lyon) 

2008 Germany - Schönwalde (Berlin)  

2009 England - Banham (Norfolk) 

2010 Tchechia - Kralupy nad Vltavou (Prague) 

2012 Italy - Rome city

2013 Spain - Tenerife

2014 France - Paris city

2015 France - St Hilaire de Loulay, Pays de la Loire, Vendée

2016 Germany - Uberlingen (Bodensee)

2017 Poland - Katowice

2018 Ireland - Wicklow

2019 France - Castelginest (Toulouse)
2020 Switzerland - Monteggio /Italy - Laggo Maggiore

2021 Corona 

2022 Portugal - Braga

2023 Austria - Vienna

2024 Spain - Velez -Malaga

You can call or write us in Dutch, French, English or German.

Telephone: + 32 (0)59 279059

E-mail: chris.dessin at telenet.be

or with the Intervac mailing service

Our address:

Chris&Maaike Dessin

Ellestraat 2

B-8470 Gistel


Page 1: Introduction page  |  Page 2: Maps Our location  |  Page 3: Our house |  Page 4: The surroundings