
Reciprocal links

Reciprocal links and how to use them

How to use reciprocal links and non reciprocal links to increase ranking and visitors to your website

Reciprocal links and how to use them

The purpose of links to other pages is to provide visitors with quality sites they can visit next.

Remember when you started using the internet? If you were like me then you followed one link after another, exploring as much as you can about whatever it was you wanted to read about. I remember quality and interesting content most of the time. Today there are plenty of websites out there that make use of reciprocal links.

1) Low quality link request

People request link exchange in order to get more traffic and by doing that, to get a higher page rank. Quite often requests will come from extremely low quality sites and you will get very little or no visitors in return if you are the owner of a quality site linking to a low quality site. Examples of sites you don't want to link to is linkfarms or sites with only adsense adds. They will not provide your visitors with resourceful content. Don't be discoureged though if you are the owner of a new website.

2) Link exchange between your new website and a high ranking site

In most cases high ranking websites will not answer your request to exchange links with them if your website is new. The easiest way to get high ranked pages to link to your site is to write articles about your area of expertise, ie the content of your website. You have to provide useful information and publish it to other webites, newsletters and ezines with a link to your website in the articles.

3) Link to websites that have some value for your visitors

It is vital that if you do exchange links that you exchange with websites you think are good ones. Also make sure that the page and position where they place your link is visible to humans and will attract the same amount of traffic relatively.

4) Share your expertise on blogs and forums

If you know what you are talking about , offer some advice on blogs. If it is sound advice people will regard you as an expert. If you are not really an expert but you're willing to do some research and post it on blogs it will have the same affect and in the process you will learn more of the field you are in. Usualy they will allow you to leave your URL.

5) Non Reciprocal links

Sometimes having quality non-reciprocal links will help increase your traffic. If you have natural occurring links (links in the articles) that is unbiased and non-reciprocal, search engines will see it as a true vote for your content. This will ensure that your site rank higher and therefore get more visitors.

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