

This page contains links and information on how to start making a living online .

Whether you want to generate a supplemental income or make a decent living using the internet or eventually become rich, this is where you start:

To make a living online, you will have to either

Selling Something

In the "offline" world in order to sell something in most cases you will have to open a shop and buy products from wholesalers to resell to the public. Or you will have to be a wholesaler and buy from the factory. Or produce products in your factory.

In the online world it is a little different. First of all, you do not need your own products- you do not need to be the "factory". You can put up a "shop" and if enough people visit it, service providers and producers of products will in some cases pay you to get a chance to display their products in your "shop".

Your "shop" is off course your website. In order to get enough visitors to your shop or website is a process that takes some time. This is a process that needs a lot of knowledge . If you want to start generating an income on the internet, I would suggest you start without a website or with a free website . New websites and websites only with links to products will not receive many visitors. More on that later.

Selling products without visitors

When I say "without visitors" I mean "free" visitors. Free visitors are people searching for a certain term on a search engine and your site is 1 of the first 10 or 20 in the results. As a newbie to the internet marketplace you are not concerned with this. It can take years to get there. And you do not need to get there to make money. How do you get visitors? You will have to pay . But you pay for adds to show to people who is already interested in what you want to sell. But first let me tell you more about where to get products

Selling other people's products

There are literally thousands of products you can sell. The best way to find products is to sign up at affiliate networks. Affiliate networks will provide you with products to sell. For the sake of this discussion I will only refer to Clickbank. For every product you sell, you will receive a percentage of the price. Sometimes as high as 75%. Clickbank will provide you with a link which you can use to send people directly to the sales page of the product you promote. When they clicked on your link, a cookie was stored on their computer. This mean that even if they buy at a later stage, Clickbank's tracking software can pick up that you referred the buyer and you will receive the commission.

Where and How do you advertise?

Once you have chosen between the more than 10000 products, you will have to start promoting .Easiest way to get visitors is with pay-per-click campaigns. I will discuss Google adwords. When you search on Google you will notice adds on the right hand side of the results. It will look something like this:

Want to be a millionaire?                                                                        Quit your job today                                                                                       Let me show you how                         

This is the kind of adds you will have to create to send visitors to the websites you are promoting. You choose how much you are willing to pay per click. You can decide to pay 10c per click. You also decide how much you want to spend per day. If you choose $10, you can get up to 100 clicks or visitors per day. You also choose for what search items your add must show. Say you are promoting a ebook about "how to stop smoking". Then you can choose keywords like :how to stop smoking, nicotine addiction, nicotine patches, quit smoking etc. Then you know that people who are already searching for what you have to offer will click on your add and you have a much better chance they will buy.

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