


Jin Ho Hur

Subject: Minutes of APCCIRN/APEPG Meeting (1994.6.17-18)

Time: 1994.6.17 (14:00-18:00) & 1994.6.18 (9:00-13:00)

Venue: Hotel Forum, Prague, Czech Republic

1. Opening

The meeting is convened at 14:00 at Hotel Forum. The list of participants

is in Appendix A.

The agenda (APCCIRN-045) was approved as presented. Prof K.Chon followed by

a brief introduction to the APCCIRM/APEPG meeting for new participants.

The minutes of last Taipei meeting (APCCIRN-041) was reported by K.Chon,

and was approved as presented.

2. Meeting/Projects/Country Reports

(1) INET'95

Lim Say Beng of Singapore briefly reported on the plan for INET '95 to

be held in Singapore in 1995. The structure of INET conference is as


6. 7 - 11: Workshop for Developing Countries

6.12 - 13: INET'95 tutorial

6.14 - 16: INET'95 conference

6.14 - 16: Demonstration

6.14 - 16: Technology Showcase

He expects about 1,500 participants for the conference. For further

information on the conference, contact:

inet-info@icis.gov.sg for general information

inet-register@icis.gov.sg for registration

There followed some comments regarding to INET'95: APCCIRN/APEPG

members are supposed to be the contact point for each country to promote

from the standpoint of APCCIRN/APEPG group. There need to be some

discussion to promote the participation from the AP region including

(partial) supports for travel, accomodation, and registration fee.

APCCIRN/APEPG group will discuss on this matter in next meeting in more


(2) Pacific Neighborhood Consortium (PNC)

Curtis Hardyck presented the current status of PNC. PNC is to share

resources among AP countries in order to building virtual neighborhood

based on the communication technologies. The first meeting was held in

Honololu in Jan. 1992, the second meeting was held in Hong Kong in Jan.

1994. In the future, it will develop a regional distributed server network

for information services like WWW, Mosaic. In order to do that, PNC is

currently focusing on i) Workshop for policy discussions, ii) regional

resource library system, iii) building electronic musuem. The next PNC

meeting will be held in Bangkok for three days in January 1995, and

about 60 to 80 people are expected. For further information, contact:



Narayan reported on the current status of CAREN, particularly the link

status and their funding model.

(4) Japan-China Links

Prof. Murai reported on the status of three links from China to Internet:

CAREN, HEPNET-J, and Sprintnet. There arose necessity for the Autonomous

System Number (AS#) allocation for each network in China, support for BGP

routing, and the passing-through of intra-China traffic through Japan.


Prof. Asano of NACSIS reported on the SINET's plan to upgrade the

backbone links from 512Kbps to 6Mbps which will be made by Sept. 1994.

Further upgrade to 50Mbps links will be made in the summer of 1995.

For further information on SINET, please contact ss@sinet.ad.jp.

(6) Real World Computing Network

Minonu Yokotsuka of RWCP reported on the status of RWCN.

(7) India

Suchit Nanda and Dr. Ramakrishnam reported on the status of India.

Noted is the meeting of Non-government Organizations (NGOs) funded by

UNDP to be held on 20-30 Sept. 1994. It will discuss on the policy,

training, and low-cost networking solutions for NGOs. For further

information, contact Suchit Nanda at suchit@shakti.ncst.ernet.in.

(8) Malaysia

Samsidarwati Mohd Isa of MIMOS reported on the status of Malaysian

network supported by MIMOS. The network currently support commercial

traffic in addition to reseach and educational traffic. The backbone

link to the US will be updated from 64K to 128K around the end of 1994.

(9) Sri Lanka

According to the report of Gihan Dias, there is UUCP connection

in Sri Lanka. They are planning an international 64K links, and are

currently waiting for funding from the US.

(10) Indonesia

The Indonesian network was reported. Setting up the National Backbone is

now going on to be finished in a few months.

There was reported a new link between Indonesia and Japan, and there

arose an interest in the triangular links among Indonesia, Japan, and

the US.

(11) Taiwan

Chen Wen-Sung of Ministry of Education of Taiwan reported on the status

of TANet, HiNet, and SeedNet in Taiwan. Of particular interest was HiNet,

a commercial service by Data Communication Institute, a government-run


(12) Philippine

Rosario Carlos of Philippine Network Foundation reported on the PHNET

supported by the Dept. of Science and Technology of Philippine

Government. The 64K Internet connection to Stockton is made as Phase II

Plan. Further upgrade will be made under the Phase III project.

For more information, contact her at rrc@pfi.net.

3. Working Group Report

(1) Developing Country (Narayan)

Narayan reported on the WG activities in two subgroup: technical

assistance group and material assistance group. There were comments on

similar activities being made in other group including: (a) APNIC for

country NIC setup, (b) Workshop for Developing Countries (Contact: George

Sadowski), (c) JICA, and (d) 5 - 6 groups doing similar things.

[Action Item]

Suchit Nanda is requested to collect and compile the related

information and send it to Narayan.

After further discussions in both the plenary and a separate WG meeting,

the following action items are to be taken:

[Action Item]

(a) Narayan will form a mailing list for providing technical


(b) Suchit Nanda will prepare a document "Low-cost Networking


(c) Ramakrishnam will prepare a document "Satellite Techniques for


(d) Narayan will create a centralized information server for supporting

developing countries at his site.

(e) Narayan will create a database of equipments available for

donnation. Inputs from members of this group strongly solicited.

(2) Link Coordination

There was a report by Jun Murai on activities related to D-GIX, NAP,

and common rack space for router/bridges in AP region. There arose some

question on the necessity of the rack space.

For these activities, just a status report will be made to CCIRN

meeting, and will discuss further on a APCCIRN/APEPG position statement

in the next APCCIRN/APEPG meeting.

(3) Internationalization

M. Ohta reported on the activities in preparing appropriate Internet

Drafts for multilingual text encoding, which were forwarded to

IETF/IESG. He also reported on a new Internet Draft being prepared on

"Multilingual Internet" and "Context Language vs. Script Language".

The proposal to IESG for setting up an IETF WG on Internationalization

is now forwarded to IAB for the IAB position so that IESG may take

further actions.

There was a report that WIDE is now developing internationalized version

of Mosaic.

(4) Workshop

There will be workshop before/after each APCCIRN meeting for education

and information dissemination purpose.

[Action Item]

Prior to the next APCCIRN/APEPG meeting in Beijing in Nov. 28-29,

there will be two day workshop in Nov. 26-27: the first day for

engineering aspect and the second day for user aspect.


The Working Group is formed with the following members: Prof. Ishida

(WG Chair, U. of Tokyo), Prof. Qian (Academia Sinica), D. Conrad

(APNIC), Narayan (SUT), Ramakrishnan (DOE/India).

The coordination with the Internet Society's "Workshop for Developing

Countries" will be made, and the WG will decide the detailed plan for

the coordination.

[Action Item]

Curtis Hardyck will consider to have a one day workshop before the

Pacific Neighborhood Consortium meeting in Bangkok in January 1995.

(5) K-12 Education

There was some discussion on the necessity for the coordination of K-12

education-related activities among the member countries.


This group will remain as an interest group, and will be decided

whether it will become a WG in next meeting.

[Action Item]

D. Conrad will set up a mailing list for this group and will start the

discussion on the mailing list.

For your information, there is a K-12 Workshop as a part of INET'95 from

Sunday through Tuesday. For further information, please contact


(6) Others

The Organization WG will be reactivated with the Chair, Prof. Chon.

The Commercial Operation WG was reported by Coggeshall of HK through a

report sent through fax.

There was some discussion on the WG for "APII" (Asia-Pacific Information

Infrasturcture), but it was considered too early to form a WG. So further

discussion will be made in this group on this matter. The tentative

members of the group are: Asano, Chon, and Matsuzaki.

[Action Item]

For each WG, a mailing list will be restructured.

(7) Summary

The following is the structure of WGs and the relevant chairs and

mailing list.

WG Name Chair Mailing list

======= ===== ============

Developing Countries Dr. Narayan apng-develop

Commercial Operations Coggeshall apng-commercial

Link Coordination Prof. Murai apng-link

Internationalization/Localization Dr. Ohta apng-i18n

Workshop/Seminar Prof. Ishida apng-workshop

Organization Prof. Chon apng-organization

4. APNIC Experiment Report

D. Conrad reported on the APNIC experiment. The experiment has been finished

successfully. The APNIC is now being operated with the responsibilities

distributed as follows in addition to registration in JPNIC: whois (JP),

WWW (KR), DN (AU), Gopher (TW), X.500 (JP) and FTP (JP). There are

unresolved issed yet: Guidelines for establishing national NIC, further

service delegation, and funding. The annual budget for APNIC is about

US$300,000 and JPNIC is subsidizing 10% of it budget for APNIC operation.

The final report of the APNIC experiment will be made to APCCIRN by 30 June.

He further proposed for a new "APNIC Interim Project" as a continuation

of the Pilot Project. The Interim Project will go on with the current

funding from JPNIC. Further funding issue for APNIC will be discussed

with no immediate resolution at this moment.


There will be liaisons between APNIC and APCCIRN/APEPG group.

Dr. Goto will be the interim liaison to APNIC until next meeting.

D. Conrad will be the interim liaison from APNIC until next meeting.

5. Reorganization

According to the changes in the environment of this group, there arose

the issue of the reorganization of APCCIRN/APEPG, which has been the

discussion for some time in the mailing list as well as at the last Taipei

APCCIRN/APEPG meeting. Prof. Chon started with the new draft of Terms of

Reference (APCCIRN-046) which has been circulated over the mailing list.

The basic principle of the change is: the scope of the group extends to

general networking community in AP region, not limited to the academic and

research community.In addition, the organization is focusing more on the

working group (WG) activities and the coordination of the WGs called


The basic principle of the new Terms of Reference draft was approved

with some discussions.

For the detailed wording of the new Terms, Jun Murai presented a new

draft with new naming "Asia-Pacific Networking Group (APNG)" for this group.

There were some discussions on the wording of the draft to prevent any

possible legal liabilities, the new organizational structure consisting

of APNG Secregariat and Working Groups, and some minor wording changes.

After the due changes, it was agreed to be the new Terms of the

Reference of this group.


The group agrees to adopt the new draft of Terms of Reference that will

be announced to the mailing list in due course.

[Action Item]

K. Chon will announce this new Terms of Reference to the current

APCCIRN mailing list, and solicit comments for two week from the date

of 18 June 1994. After the period, this new Terms of Reference will

become effective if there is no objection.


Prof. K. Chon is appointed as the interim chair until the next meeting

from the date when the new Terms of Reference be effective. The new

formality will be decided in the next meeting.

6. Liaison Report


The next CCIRN meeting will take place in 20 - 21 June 1994 in

Amsterdam. The prospective agenda includes: Regional Reports, NAP/GIX

issues, CCIRN's Role, International Laws for Security, IPR, etc.

The participants from this group to the CCIRN meeting in Amsterdam will

be: Chon, Asano, Matsuzaki, Goto, Chiang, Murai, Ramakrishnan.

(2) Summary

The liaisons to other groups are as follows:

Internet Society - Board of Trustees: Prof. Ishida

CCIRN: Prof. Chon (and APCCIRN members)

IEPG: Prof. Murai (and APEPG members)

IAB/IETF: Prof. Murai

APNIC: Dr. Goto

7. Future Meetings




1995: Singapore

1996: Canada

1997: Europe

1998: China/India/Thailand (candidates in alphabetical order)


Prof. Ishida will recommend as a liaison statement to Internet Society


(a) China, India, and Thailand would like to host INET'98 or beyond.

(b) Other continents like Africa and Latin America need to be

considered for the locations for future INET conferences.


Australia, Japan, and Korea (in alphabetical order) showed interest to

most future IETF meeting. The group decided not to make any

recommendations on this aspect.

8. Next Meeting

The next meetings of APNG (assuming that the above Terms of Reference

be approved) will take place as follows:

Nov. 1994 Beijing: Workshop (Academia Sinica)

Nov. 1994 Beijing: APNG Meeting (Tsinghua Univ.)

Jun. 1995 Singapore: APNG Meeting (National Univ. of Singapore)


Appendix A: Participant List

(In alphabetical order of country name and participant name)

Australia Bob Kummerfeld (Univ. of Sydney)

Geoff Huston (AARNET)

Peter Saalmans (AARNET)

Bangladesh Monsur-ul-Hakim (Form Media Centre)

China Hu Daoyuan (Tsinghua Univ.)

Qian Hualin (CNC, Academia Sinica)

Wang Hongbing (CNC, Academia Sinica)

Zhang Guiqing (CNC, Academia Sinica)

Hong Kong Kinming Fung (CUHK)

Lam Anton (CUHK)

India S. Ramakrishnan (DOE/Gov. of India)

Suchit Nanda (Online Service)

Indonesia Samik-Ibarahim, R.M. (Univ. of Indonesia)

Japan Akihiro Shimizu (NTT)

Akira Tashiro (Fujitsu)

David Conrad (IIJ/APNIC)

Devendra Narayan (SUT/CAREN)

Glenn Mansfield (AIC Systems Lab.)

Haruhisa Ishida (Univ. of Tokyo)

Hisao Uose (NTT/NACSIS)

Ikuo Kojima (JPNIC)

Jun Matsukata (ISAS)

Jun Murai (Keio Univ.)

Masaki Hirabaru (JPNIC)

Masami Ogawa (Fujitsu)

Masataka Ohta (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

Masaya Nakayama (JPNIC/APNIC)

Matsuzaki Takayasu (IBM Japan)

Minonu Yokotsuka (RWCP)

Shigeki Goto (JPNIC)

Shin Yoshimura (IIJ/JPNIC)

Shinichi Suzuki (NACSIS)

Shoichiro Asano (NACSIS)

Shuichi Tashiro (ETL)

Tom Agoston (IBM Japan)

Toshifumi Matsumoto (AT&T Jens/Spin)

Toshiya Asaba (IIJ)

Korea Jin Ho Hur (TriGem Computer)

Joo Y. Song (Korea Telecom)

Kilnam Chon (KAIST)

Laos Somlouay Kittignavong (Science Tech. Org/Vientiane)

Malaysia Samsidarwati Mohd Isa (MIMOS)

New Zealand John Houlker (Univ. of Waikato)

Philippines Rosario Carlos (Phillipine Network Foundation, Inc.)

Singapore Foong Lim (Singapore Telecom)

Hew Kean Mean (National Univ. of Singapore)

Lim Say Beng (ICIS)

Michelle Chiang (Technet Unit)

Ronnie Lee (National Science and Tech. Board)

Sri Lanka Gihan Dias (University of Moratuwa)

Taiwan Chang Wen-Chung (SEEDNET)

Chen Wen-Sung (MOE)

Thailand Kanchana Kanchanasut (AIT)

Morragot Chiwaganont (ThaiSarn)

Tonga Sitiveni Finau (Ministry of Education)

USA Curtis Hardyck (Pacific Neighborhood Consortium)

Jeff Smith (Bridge to Asia)

Vietnam Bich-Thuy Dong-Thi (Univ. of Ho-Chi-Minh City)

Others Inayet Syed (ITU)

Shunichi Akazawa (WHO)

Tony Rutkowski (Internet Society)