exchange talk - benefits to students and schools

Every year thousands of students trade places and attend schools outside their own country and almost always in a language different to their first one. The experience enriches the traveler but also the classrooms and families where they form relationships and contribute their point of view.

One way to give back to the students, and at the same time perhaps to benefit their host school and community, is to for the school (or its yearbook class, media production students or hobbyists) to offer to make short video segments voluntarily in which the foreign students are asked a few simple questions in order to benchmark their language ability and evolving perspective near the beginning (maybe 4-5 weeks after arriving and settling in), middle (perhaps 4 months into the exchange experience), and near the end of the school year. This set of records form a keepsake for the student, and depending on how much they want to share online, could also be viewable by friends and family in the home country. It could be a memory for the hosting family, for that matter. And if the person gives permission, a copy could be viewable by future years of students coming into the school or for local students contemplating an exchange experience of their own overseas.

Here then are questions that could be selected from - probably not more than 2 or 3 to keep the recording short and sweet, and to give continuity by posing the same thing at each phase of the timeline: beginning, middle, and conclusion of the school year.