INPUT (International Conference on Innovation in Urban and Regional Planning - Conferenza internazionale su Innovazione nella Pianificazione Urbanistica e Territoriale) is managed by an informal group of Italian researchers working in many fields related to innovation in spatial planning-related scientific and technical contexts. Since the first conference, held in 1999, INPUT has represented an opportunity to reflect on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as key planning support tools.

The first conference (Venice, 1999), titled “Models and management of processes of spatial transformations,” was organized by the IUAV University of Venice in conjunction with the Sixth Conference “Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management” (CUPUM) and focused on the relations between three main topics: new technologies, tools for analysis and forecast, planning and management of processes of spatial change. Since 1999, the INPUT researchers have met every two years to promote knowledge exchange and to share insights into innovative planning methodologies, tools and experiences. 

The lastest conference, the tenth edition, titled “Environmental and territorial modelling for planning and design”, was organized in September 2018 by the Department of Agriculture and Forestry Science (research group on regional and urban planning) of the Tuscia University, Viterbo.