About Us

  Inner Wheel Club of Reading Maiden Erlegh

Founded in 2002 we are a healthy and active club and currently have 40 members who pay a yearly subscription, currently £72 payable in July, to cover membership of Club, District, Association in GB and I and IW International.

We also enjoy daytime social events such as walks, visiting historic houses, trips to London etc. and periodic joint social functions in the evening and weekends with our Rotary Club.   Please see the Events Diary and Events Gallery.


We meet on the third Thursday of every month at Sonning Golf Club in Duffield Road, Sonning, Berkshire, RG4 6GJ - see map below - where we  gather for a chat and a drink at 7.15 for 7.45 pm. and then enjoy a two-course meal (current cost £27), which is usually followed by a speaker.  

 INNER WHEEL has three objectives:


Inner Wheel as an organisation – its name emphasising the strong links it maintains with Rotary – was formed in 1924 in Manchester to complement Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland; it became international in 1967 and is now one of the largest world wide organisations for women with over 100,000 members in more than 103 countries, with membership now open to all since April 2012.

Belonging to Inner Wheel gives members the opportunity to share friendships in Clubs and Districts in Great Britain and Ireland and throughout the world.

A member may visit another Inner Wheel Club whether it be in her own district, country or overseas and is always assured of a warm welcome.   One of the joys of Inner Wheel is the opportunity given to members the world over to learn to know one another and to exchange ideas, which is why the Inner Wheel badge is seen as a symbol of international understanding, friendship and service.


Sound interesting?   Send your contact details to iwcrme@gmail.com and we'll get back in touch with you.