Digital Paintings

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An Artist's Calling

This image began in the idea that an artist's heart is in his/her work and evolved to include the way artists of all kinds create whole new worlds and breathe life into hope, beauty, and all such things.


Storm Breaking

A tribute to the hope that, no matter what storms come are way, we will break through them to the dawn eventually.

FAA / Zazzle

The Little Things

The smallest and simplest of things and moments can often be the most poignant. I wish to be able to capture those fleeting instances and their power to lift spirits and warm hearts.



Dancing on the Wind

World We Share

Sometimes we're so busy looking up that we forget to look down and appreciate what we have.

This image was published with Daily Sci-Fi in 2010.

FAA / Zazzle

Of Myths and Legends

I often draw inspiration from myths and legends. These stories embody the values and beliefs of our forbearers which still influence our thoughts today. It’s fascinating to see how they change with the times while continuing to carry the essence of the ideas that bore them.

Bearer of Wishes

There are myths that say that, if you can catch the white hart, you can make a wish.

FAA / Zazzle

Bridge to Another World

There's an old Chinese myth that, after death, you cross a bridge and drink a soup that takes away your memories so you can be reborn.

FAA / Zazzle

Harbinger of Light

A play off the Chinese myth where the rooster's cry is what calls the sun out. ^_^

FAA / Zazzle

Sun Needles

This was inspired by a myth I've always liked about why it stings when you look at the sun.

FAA / Zazzle

Our Furry Friends

Lucky Pig

A tribute to the year of the Pig. Pigs are symbols of wrath and good fortune (as are peonies, the flowers in the back). The gladiolus flowers in front are for strength as I'd like to wish the pig-year people I know a year of good health. Happy New Year!

FAA / Zazzle

Puppy Basket

A tribute to the year of the dog and to my sister's adorable black lab.

FAA / Zazzle

Sayings and Symbols

These works were inspired by sayings (as well as conversations I’ve had or heard) and symbols (some traditional, others personal).

Looking for Light

From Mom and Dad with Love

This was requested by my aunt for my cousin's birthday. The ribbons form a Chinese blessing that roughly translates to "good fortune and happiness". And, of course, the dove is a bird of peace as well as a messenger and bearer of good tidings.

FAA / Zazzle

Haven Song

The coming of the swallows in spring was said to bring good luck to the household.

FAA / Zazzle



Challenge the Sun

Sands of Time

Hope is the Flame

Phantom Peonies

Looking Forward, Looking Back

One thing Dad said that's stuck with me was that I shouldn't dwell on the past because, whatever decision I made then, I made because I thought it best. What's important now is to do the best we can.

FAA / Zazzle

Surreal Spaces

The line between reality and imagination is, I sometimes think, not as clear as many would have us believe.


Spirit of Color Series



Red Velvet
