Inés Olza

University of Navarra

Institute for Culture and Society

Group leader: MultiNeg & Multimodal Pragmatics Lab

E-mail: iolzamor at unav dot es

I am a Senior Researcher in Language and Cognition at the Institute for Culture and Society (ICS) of the University of Navarra (UNav), an interdisciplinary research center for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Within ICS, I am co-Principal Investigator of the Bonds, Creativity and Culture group. 

At UNav I lead the Multimodal Pragmatics Lab (MuPra Lab) and the Knowledge Generation Project MultiNeg on multimodal patterns for negation and disagreement, funded between 2019 and 2022 by the Spanish Ministry of Science (PGC2018-095703-B-I00). I am also a member of the Red Hen Lab, a distributed laboratory for research on multimodal communication.

My research focuses on figurative language, gesture and phraseology from the perspective of Pragmatics, Cognitive Linguistics and Multimodality.

Recent publications (selection of last 5 years)

Choperena, A., I. Olza, M. Pardavila, V.La Rosa & M. Vázquez (2023). “The relationship competencies guiding tool: A development, content validation and implementation study” [nursing narratives], Nurse Education in Practice, 67, 103562.

Olza, I., V. Koller, I. Ibarretxe-Antuñano, P. Pérez-Sobrino & E. Semino (2021), “The #ReframeCovid initiative: From Twitter to society via metaphor”, Metaphor and the Social World, 11(1), 98-120.

Pagán, C., J. Valenzuela, D. Alcaraz, I. Olza & M. Ramscar (2020): "Quantifying the speech-gesture relation with massive multimodal datasets: Informativity in time expressions", PLoS ONE,

Valenzuela, J., C. Pagán, I. Olza & D. Alcaraz (2020): "Gesturing in the wild: Evidence for a flexible mental timeline", Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 18(2), 289-315.

Steen, Hougaard, Joo, Olza, Pagán, Pleshakova, Ray, Uhrig, Valenzuela, Woźny & Turner (2018): “Toward an infrastructure for data-driven multimodal communication research”, Linguistics Vanguard, 4/1, 20170041.

Turchyn, Olza, Pagán, Steen, Turner, Valenzuela & Ray (2018): “Gesture annotation with a visual search engine for multimodal communication research”, IAAI-18 - Artificial Intelligence Conference, article 72.