Donate A Horse

Donating Horses To Indiana Horse Rescue

Each equine will be evaluated by qualified individuals, whether they be veterinarians, farriers, trainers, etc. All adoptable equines will be posted on our website and notices will be sent out across the internet to help find them an adoptive home. Whether they go on to be a show horse, 4H horse, family pet, kid's pony, trail horse, companion, or pasture pet we will do our best to place each animal.

If you are referred to us by the Sheriff's Dept, a Humane Society, or your veterinarian, we may be able to waive the one time cash donation, this will be done on a case by case basis. We accept horses with a referral and can arrange for pick up for a fee. Otherwise a $350.00 Surrender Fee is requested for each horse accepted to our facility. (Fee may be adjusted based on owner's ability to pay). This is a one time fee and the only fee we charge.

We require that you sign our Donation Agreement, which gives Indiana Horse Rescue ownership of the horse(s). The Equine Questionnaire has many questions that you can answer to help us find your horse the right home. Written documentation of any current veterinary services must accompany the horse, as well as a list and any available current medications the horse is on.

Donation Documents

Please print off and fill out the following documents and have them ready when the transporters comes to pick up the horse(s). If you are transporting the horse to one of our facilities, you may send them with your transporter or fill them out when you arrive.

Donation Agreement - If you are donating multiple horses, you may use one form for all horses.

Equine Questionnaire - If you are donating multiple horses, please make sure you fill out a separate questionnaire for each horse.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can you visit your horse after adoption? While it is at Indiana Horse Rescue, yes by appointment only. Just as with many other animal adoptions, the people are screened, references checked and a match is made. Once the adoption takes place, we follow up for the rest of the horses life. We cannot give you the names of the adopters, but we do screen them thoroughly and follow up on the placement to be sure everything is well.

What if we can't find a home for the horse? If and when however, we are unable to adopt your horse to a new home, we will give him the dignity of a respectful end. You will never worry that your horse faces the cruelty of abandonment and neglect or going to slaughter.

What if I change my mind after signing him over? You need to understand that we are a humane organization, once a horse is donated the horse receives any care or treatment necessary. You should seriously consider whether you want to donate the horse prior to bringing it to the rescue facility.

Can you pick up my horse? Yes. Depending on how far away you are, we can arrange to have someone pick him up. There is a per mile fee to be paid for the trailer use and driver. We prefer you deliver him if possible, then there is only the $350.00 tax deductible donation. Horses may be dropped off by appointment only.

Thank you for considering Indiana Horse Rescue to help you find the right home for your horse.

Still interested in donating your horse? The next step is to contact us by phone or email to see if we have an opening. There may be a waiting period if room is not currently available. We will begin the adoption process after he has arrived and been assessed.

We get many many calls, so please be patient if we do not get back to you immediately. If you do not hear from us please call back, as sometimes we cannot understand return phone numbers, especially if you are calling from a cell phone - these calls can not always be heard on the voice mail.