2010 Summer Camp

June 27 - July 3, Wilfrid Laurier University

(Left to Right)

Alex Remorov, YuQi Zhu, Hunter Spink, Chen Sun, Alex Song, Robin Cheng, Jonathan Zung, Victoria Krakovna, Adrian Tang


Schedule and handouts

Warm-Up Problems with Solutions

Mock Olympiads with Solutions

June 27

Team send-off

Taking up warm-up problems

June 28

Mock #1

Projective Geometry 2 - Alexander Remorov (Solutions)

June 29

Mock #2

Uniform shopping

Functional Equations -Adrian Tang

June 30

Mock #3

Inequalities - Adrian Tang

Adrian departs for Kazakhstan

July 1

Mock #4

Miscellaneous and Russian-style Problems - Alexander Remorov (Solutions)

Double Counting - Victoria Krakovna

July 2

Mock #5

Concurrency and Collinearity - Victoria Krakovna

Movie night

July 3

Departure for Kazakhstan

July 4

Sightseeing in Vienna!

July 5

Arrival in Astana, Kazakhstan