

Aydogan, I., Berger, L., & Bosetti V. (2024). Unraveling Ambiguity Aversion. The Review of Economics and Statistics, forthcoming, doi:


Aydogan, I., Berger L., Bosetti V., Liu N., (2023). Three Layers of Uncertainty, Journal of the European Economic Association, 21 (5), 2209–2236.


Aydogan, I. (2021). Prior Beliefs and Ambiguity Attitudes in Decision from Experience. Management Science, 67 (11), 6934-6945.


Aydogan, I., & Gao, Y. (2020). Experience and Rationality under Risk: Re-examining the Impact of Sampling Experience. Experimental Economics, 23, 1100-1128.


Aydogan, I., Bleichrodt, H., & Gao, Y. (2016) An Experimental Test of Reduction Invariance. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 75, 170-182.

 Working Papers

Aydogan, I., Baillon, A., Kemel E., & Li, C. (2023). How much do we learn? Measuring symmetric and asymmetric deviations from Bayesian updating through choices. R&R at Quantitative Economics

Aydogan, I., Berger, L., Théroude, V. (2023). Pay all subjects or pay only some? An experiment on decision making under risk and ambiguity. R&R at Journal of Economic Psychology.

Aydogan, I., Berger, L., Théroude, V. (2022) More Ambiguous or More Complex? Investigating Model Uncertainty in Ellsberg Urns. IRISK Working Paper, No. 2023-02, IESEG, Lille.


Aydogan, I., Eddai, N., Tremewan, J., Turmunkh, U. (2024). Ambiguity Attitudes in Climate Context and Willingness to Pay to Reduce CO2 Emissions. Manuscript under preparation.


Abdellaoui, M. Aydogan, I., Berger, I. (2024). The Ambiguousness of Multi-stage Prospects. Manuscript under preparation.


Ambiguity and Voting: An experiment with a representative sample in the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. (With Ning Liu, Uyanga Turmunkh, and Yu Gao)