Curriculum Vitae


Behavioral & Experimental Economics, Decision Making under Risk and Ambiguity, Environmental Economics 



September 2020-present      IÉSEG School of Management       Lille, France

   Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods

   iRisk Research Center

              Associate Professor




December 2019-September 2020        IÉSEG School of Management       Lille, France

               Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods

              Postdoctoral Research Fellow


2017-2019           Bocconi University                      Milan, Italy

   Department of Economics

              Postdoctoral Research Fellow



2013-2017           Tinbergen Institute       Rotterdam, the Netherlands

            Erasmus School of Economics

            Ph.D., Behavioral Economics

            Adviser: Han Bleichrodt, Co-adviser: Aurelien Baillon    


2016, May-June                  Max Planck Institute for Human Development   Berlin, Germany

                                                        Visiting PhD student

                                                        Hosted by Prof. Ralph Hertwig and Dr. Thorsten Pachur


2011-2013       Tinbergen Institute         Amsterdam, the Netherlands

             University of Amsterdam

                                                         Research Master (MPhil), Economics


2008-2009, Spring                  Tilburg University       Tilburg, the Netherlands

            Department of Economics

                                                         Exchange Student


2006 – 2011                              Bilkent University         Ankara, Turkey

            Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences

            Bachelor’s Degree, Economics



Research Grant funded by the Région Hauts-de-France (€120.000), Project CLimate AMbiguity (CLAM), 2021-2023.

NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) Research Talent Program, PhD Grant, 16/09/2013 – 16/01/2017

Tinbergen Institute Scholarship, tuition waiver and €12000 per year, 2011-2013

Graduation with High Honors, Bilkent University, Department of Economics, Bachelor’s Degree, 2011


2023           Seminar at CREM (Centre de Recherche en Economie et Management)    Rennes, France

                                         University of Rennes

2023           RisLaB workshop on Cognitive Economics                      Ghent, Belgium

                                         University of Ghent

2022               iRisk Workshop                                                           Lille, France

                                            IÈSEG School of Management          


2022               D-TEA (Decision: Theory, Experiments and Applications)      Paris, France

            Paris School of Economics


2022     Department Seminar at Erasmus School of Economics   Rotterdam, The Netherlands

            Behavioral economics group meeting


2022         MUSEES (Modeling Uncertainty in Social, Economic, and Environmental Sciences)

                                                                                                                                    Lyon, France

            Emlyon Business School                                       


2020       Department Seminar at Erasmus School of Economics   Rotterdam, The Netherlands

            Behavioral economics group meeting


2020                 D-TEA (Decision: Theory, Experiments and Applications)      Paris, France

            HEC Paris


2019              Department Seminar at IÈSEG School of Management       Lille, France

                                            Department of Economics and Quantitative Methods       


2019             ADA (Advances in Decision Analysis)                                    Milan, Italy

            Bocconi University


2018             FUR (The Foundations of Utility and Risk)                            York, UK

            University of York


2018             Department seminar at Bocconi University                              Milan, Italy

            Department of Decision Sciences


2018             Department seminar at HEC                                                      Paris, France

            Department of Economics and Decision Sciences


2017                 SPUDM (Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making)   Haifa, Israel

                                            Technion – Israel Institute of Technology


2016                 FUR (The Foundations of Utility and Risk)                             Coventry, UK

            Warwick Business School


2015                 ESA (European Science Association) European Meeting Heidelberg, Germany

            Heidelberg University


2015                 D-TEA (Decision: Theory, Experiments and Applications)      Paris, France

            HEC Paris


2014               Winter School: Learning, Bounded Rationality, and Decisions

Haifa-Dead Sea, Israel

            Technion – Israel Institute of Technology




2014                       FUR (The Foundations of Utility and Risk)      Rotterdam, the Netherlands

            Erasmus University Rotterdam


2014                       Summer School on Decision Making Under Uncertainty        Coventry, UK

            Warwick Business School



2023                  Course coordinator and instructor   Lille, France

              IÉSEG School of Management

            Decision Making under Risk and Uncertainty, Master’s


2021, 2022, 2023                Instructor                      Lille, France

            IÉSEG School of Management

            Econometrics Cross-Sectional and Panel Data, Master’s


2021, 2022      Course coordinator and instructor   Lille, France

            IÉSEG School of Management

                      Applied Economics - Intermediate, Bachelors’


2020, 2021            Instructor                                 Lille, France

              IÉSEG School of Management

            Judgment & Decision Making, Master’s


2020, 2021, 2022, 2023          Thesis Supervisor         Lille, France

            IÉSEG School of Management

            Economics & Quantitative Methods, Master’s


2019                  Course coordinator and instructor   Lille, France

              IÉSEG School of Management

            Decision Making, Master’s


 2014, 2015 and 2016     Teaching Assistant             Rotterdam, the Netherlands

            Erasmus School of Economics

            Introduction to Behavioral Economics, Bachelor’s


 2014, 2015 and 2016     Thesis Supervisor             Rotterdam, the Netherlands

            Erasmus School of Economics

            Behavioral Economics Track, Bachelor’s and MSc


October 2012-March 2013       Research Assistant               Amsterdam, the Netherlands

            University of Amsterdam

                                            with Prof. Mirjam van Praag and Prof. Randolf Sloof





February 2011         Capital Markets Board of Turkey             Ankara, Turkey

                  Internship Program


August 2010         Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey       Ankara, Turkey

                  Internship Program, Communications and Foreign Relations





Referee                                Management Science, Theory and Decision, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, Judgment and Decision Making


Languages                        Turkish (Native), English (Advanced), French (Delf-B1)