Awards and Recognition
Best Oral Presentation Award for Nipun Jain and Sachin Latiyan and Best Poster Presentation Award for Vaishnavi Menon at the Annual Student Symposium of the Department of Materials EngineeringÂ
Best Poster Award at The Future is Here-II conference 2025 for Sachin Latiyan
Best Doctoral Thesis Award from the Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs (India) for Sushma Indrakumar
Fulbright Nehru Doctoral Fellowship for Nipun Jain
DBT Research Associateship for Souvik Debnath
CSIR Research Associateship for Sriram Bharath
Best poster award at the Polymers for Advanced Technology- APA 2024 conference for Saswat Choudhury
Gandhian Young Technological Innovation (GYTI) Appreciation Award 2023 for Saswat Choudhury
Best Oral Presentation Award at Bioprinting Ignited X India Conference 2024 for Sriram Bharath
3rd place in the Falling Walls Lab Bangalore 2024 event for Saswat Choudhury
MOBLILEX international mobility scholarship from the University of Lille, France, for Rishabh Soni
Best oral presentation award for Rishabh Soni at the Annual Student Symposium of the Department of Materials EngineeringÂ
Best Poster Presentation Award for Sriram Bharath at the Advances in 3D Cell Culture Conference
Best Master's Thesis Award from the Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organs (India) for Arkodip Mandal
Prime Minister's Research Fellowship for Nipun Jain
ICMR Nurturing Clinical Scientist Fellowship for Nikita Pahurkar
Fulbright Nehru Doctoral Fellowship for Joel Joseph
First prize in the 3-minute video contest of Mechanical Sciences Division, IISc, and Agastya science communication fellowship for Saswat ChoudhuryÂ
Travel Award to attend the MPS World Summit (Microphysiological Systems) for Sriram Bharath
DBT Research Associateship for Indumathi Sathisaran
First prize in the Ideathon competition for Nipun Jain at the Annual Symposium of the Centre for BioSystems Science and EngineeringÂ
Best oral presentation award for Sriram Bharath at the Annual Student Symposium of the Department of Materials EngineeringÂ
ACS Best Oral Presentation prize at the BIORemedi 2022 conference for Akshat Joshi
Second Place Award of the American Ceramic Society (ACerS) Bioceramics Division YouTube contest for Saswat Choudhury
SERB National Postdoctoral Fellowship for Sudipto Datta
Best Poster Award at the 25th Bangalore Tech Summit for Sushma Indrakumar
ICMR Nurturing Clinical Scientist Fellowship for Akhilesh Agrawal
Gold Medal for best performance in the graduating class in IISc for Vibhanshu Golia
Micrograph Contest Awards for Parul Yadav, Anindo Roy, and Sushma Kumari at the Annual Student Symposium of the Department of Materials EngineeringÂ
ICMR Research Associate Fellowship for Suhela Tyeb
ICMR Research Associate Fellowship for Ajit Kumar
Best Poster Presentation prize at the Advances in 3D Culture workshop for Parul Yadav
Best Oral Presentation prize at the NANOicon 2022 conference for Sushma Indrakumar
Young Scientist Award from Fibroheal Woundcare for Sushma Indrakumar
Tata Trusts Ph.D. Fellowship for Yusuf Waidi
Team of Saswat Choudhury and Rishabh Soni selected as the Runner Up in Tata Steel MaterialNext 2.0
Team of Pritiranjan Mondal, Sushma Kumari, Rahul Shah, and Padmavathy Nagarajan selected as a finalist (top five) in Tata Steel MaterialNext 2.0 Â
Poster Prize at the BIOCOM 2021 conference for Saurabh Gupta
IoE Postdoctoral Fellowship for Akshat Joshi
Prime Minister's Research Fellowship for Sriram Bharath
Prime Minister's Fellowship for Doctoral Research for Sushma Indrakumar
Best Oral Presentation Award in the Indo-UK Virtual Conference on Current Innovations and the Future of Therapeutic Developments 2020 for Aditi Jain
C.V. Raman Postdoctoral Fellowship for Rajesh Kotcherlakota
Aditi Jain selected to attend the 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2020 in Lindau, Germany
SERB National Postdoctoral Fellowship for Sushma Kumari
Best Oral Presentation Awards for Padmavathy Nagarajan (Research Scholar category) and Manisha Behara (UG category), and Micrograph Contest Award (Optical category) for Aditi Jain at the Annual Student Symposium of the Department of Materials EngineeringÂ
SERB National Postdoctoral Fellowship for Santanu Ghosh
Prime Minister's Research Fellowship for Saswat Choudhury
Travel Grant awarded to Aditi Jain by the Disease Models & Mechanisms journal and The Company of Biologists
DST International Travel Award for Aditi Jain
DST International Travel Award for Srijan Acharya
Prof. K.P. Abraham Medal for the best Ph.D. thesis in the Department of Materials Engineering for Sumit Bahl
James Clerk Maxwell Writers Prize 2018 (Runner-up) for Sumit Bahl
Best Poster Presentation Award for Manisha Behara at the Annual Student Symposium of the Department of Materials EngineeringÂ
UGC Kothari Fellowship for Dhaval Kedaria
DST TARE Fellowship for J VenkatesanÂ
UGC Kothari Fellowship for GH Darshan
Best Poster Presentation Award for Lopamudra Ghosh and micrograph contest award for Aditi Jain at the Annual Student Symposium of the Department of Materials EngineeringÂ
DBT International Travel Award for Aditi Jain
Travel Awards to the Till & McCulloch Stem Cell Meeting in Canada for Lopamudra Ghosh and Sushma Indrakumar
ACS Poster Presentation Award at the BioMET 2018 Conference in Vellore for Lopamudra Ghosh
Rudolf Cimdins Scholarship from the European Society for Biomaterials for Aditi Jain
Prof. K.P. Abraham Medal for the best Ph.D. thesis in the Department of Materials Engineering for Sachin Kumar
Best Poster Award at the ISHR Annual Meeting (International Society for Heart Research- Indian section) in Chandigarh for Aditi Jain
Outstanding Reviewer Award by IOP journals Biomedical Materials and Nanotechnology for Vipul Agarwal
Sun Pharma Science Scholar Award for Young Scientists awarded to Aditi Jain
Bajpai-Saha Award (second prize) for the best student paper at the Sixth Asian Biomaterials Congress in Thiruvananthapuram for Aditi Jain
Travel Awards to the Till & McCulloch Stem Cell Meeting in Canada for Sai Meka, Vipul Agarwal, and Sushma Indrakumar
DST National Postdoctoral Fellowship for Prasoon Kumar
Materials Technology Best Paper Prize for Shammy Raj and Sachin Kumar
CSIR Research Associateship for Jaidev Chakka
Best Poster Award (Prof. N.S. Dhalla award) and Travel Award (Prof. C.C. Kartha Travel Grant award) at the International Conference on Recent Advances in Cardiovascular Research Meeting, Delhi for Aditi Jain
Best Poster Presentation Award at the National Symposium on Innovative and Emerging Biochemical and Biotechnological Tools to Augment Animal Health and Production in Bangalore for Aditi Jain
DST National Postdoctoral Fellowship for Vipul Agarwal
DST Nanomission Postdoctoral Fellowship for Vipul Agarwal
Best Poster Presentation Awards for Aditi Jain and Rinsha Padmarajan and Micrograph Contest Award for Lopamudra Ghosh at the Annual Student Symposium of the Department of Materials Engineering
Jafar Hasan selected as a Member of the Community Board of Materials Horizons journal of RSC
Sachin Kumar selected as a Member of the Community Board of Nanoscale Horizons journal of RSC
DST Young Scientist Fellowship for Lopamudra Ghosh
DST International Travel Awards for Gowri Balachander, Queeny Dasgupta, and Jaidev Chakka
Travel Awards to the Till & McCulloch Stem Cell Meeting in Canada for Jaidev Chakka and Sai Meka
Best Poster Award at the Alternatives to Animal Testing Conference in Bombay for Gowri Balachander
Travel Award and Student Exchange Award to the Till & McCulloch Stem Cell Meeting in Canada for Sai Meka
Welcome Trust/ DBT India Alliance Early Career Fellowship for Jafar Hasan
UGC BSR Fellowship for Sumit Bahl
Second Prize for Best Poster Presentation at the Annual Student Symposium of the Department of Materials Engineering for Sumit Bahl
UGC BSR Fellowship for Sachin Kumar
Second Prize for Best Presentation at the National Conference on Challenges in Biomaterials Research, Vellore for Sachin Kumar
UGC Kothari Fellowship for Kishor Sarkar
DBT Research Associateship for Vaijayanthi Mala
DBT Research Associateship for Elayaraja Kolanthai