Free Markets

Two major spokesman of the idea that free markets are best for all economies at all times are Hayek (older) and Friedman (who died recently). Friedman's popular classic is FREE TO CHOOSE, While Hayek's classic work is called the Road To Serfdom.

For Pro-Free Market Views, you should read these two books. Summaries and discussions are easily available on the internet. I will try to get the original books downloaded as well. Here is a study guide for Free To Choose:

I am attaching an article of mine which is a critique of the Road to Serfdom by Hayek below (RTSAKAZ; see attachments below). At the end of the paper, there are some important references which discuss these issues further.View Download

A short newspaper article which gives a critique of the Washington Consensus, a set of free market policies designed for development is available here.

The most devastating critique of the Free Market Ideology has been written by Naomi Klien: Naomi Klein's book The Shock Doctrine: Rise of Disaster Capitalism, is the best historical analysis of how capitalism has functioned in the late twentieth century.It can be viewed as a continuation of the analysis of Karl Polanyi in The Great Transformation (summary and review) which document the rise of the Self-Regulating Market

a central myth of capitalism