news archive


- 28 Sept: Multifractality of quantum wave functions in the presence of perturbations with R. Dubertrand, B. Georgeot, O. Giraud, G. Lemarié, and J. Martin published in PRE.

- 19 June: Multifractality of quantum wave functions in the presence of perturbations with R. Dubertrand, B. Georgeot, O. Giraud, G. Lemarié, and J. Martin. Submitted. arXiv:1506.05720

- 18 May: Measuring and using non-markovianity with C. Pineda, T. Gorin. D. Winiacki and D. Dávalos submitted arXiv:1505.03503

-10 Jan: Comment on “Exploring chaos in the Dicke model using ground-state fidelity and Loschmidt echo”, Published in PRE.

- 23 Jan: Relaxation of isolated quantum systems beyond chaos. with A.J. Roncaglia, and D. A. Wisniacki. Published in PRE (R).

- 14 Jan: Relaxation of isolated quantum systems beyond chaos. with A.J. Roncaglia, and D. A. Wisniacki. Accepted in PRE (R).


- 12 Aug: Relaxation of isolated quantum systems beyond chaos. with A.J. Roncaglia, and D. A. Wisniacki. (arXiv:1408.2838) submitted.

-10 Jun: Two scenarios for quantum multifractality brakdown, with R. Dubertrand, J. Martin, O. Giraud, G. Lemarié and B. Georgeot, published in Phys. Rev. Lett.

- 6 Mar: Figure 5 in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 115301 (2014), made the cover of Volume 47, Number 11 of J. Phys A.

- 26 Feb : Quantum non-Markovian behavior at the chaos border with Carlos Pineda, Diego A. Wisniacki, published: J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47 115301 (2014).

- 7 feb: The two scenarios for quantum multifractality breakdown with R. Dubertrand, B. Georgeot, O. Giraud, G. Lemarié, J. Martin, submitted (arXiv:1402.1658)

- 30 jan: Quantum non-Markovian behavior at the chaos border with Carlos Pineda, Diego A. Wisniacki, accepted in J. Phys A. (arXiv:1306.5980)