Ignacio García-Mata




Instituto de Investigaciones Físicas de Mar del Plata.

Departamento de Física, FCEyN,

Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata


nacho (dot) garcia (dot) mata (at) gmail


Quantum Chaos, Quantum-Classical Correspondence, Quantum Information, Localization and Transport in Disordered Systems


- Licenciado in Physics, U. Mar del Plata (Aug. 2000)

- PhD. in Physics, U. Buenos Aires (Mar. 2006)

- Posdoc in Toulouse, France (Laboratoire de Physique Theorique, IRSAMC, Universite Toulouse III). 2006-2008

- Investigador Adjunto, CONICET, from 2009


Link to ArXiv preprints

 FRIENDS in Physics




- Semiclassical approach to the work distribution.  with  A. J. Roncaglia, D. A. Wisniacki published in Europhys. Lett. 120  (2017) 30002.  arXiv:1709.05115.


-3 Nov.: Quantum to classical transition in the work distribution for chaotic systems  with A. J. Roncaglia and D. A. Wisniacki, Published in PRE (Rapid communications).

-17 April: Scaling theory of the Anderson transition in random graphs: ergodicity and universality. with O Giraud, B Georgeot, J Martin, R Dubertrand and G Lemarié. Published in PRL.

-25 March: Scaling theory of the Anderson transition in random graphs: ergodicity and universality. with O Giraud, B Georgeot, J Martin, R Dubertrand and G Lemarié. Accepted in PRL.


-3 Nov.: Quantum to classical transition in the work distribution for chaotic systems (arXiv:1610.08874). with A. J. Roncaglia and D. A. Wisniacki, submitted.

-9 Sept.: Scaling theory of the Anderson transition in random graphs: ergodicity and universality. with O Giraud, B Georgeot, J Martin, R Dubertrand and G Lemarié. hal-01366432. arXiv Submitted.

- 04 July: Average diagonal entropy in non-equilibrium isolated quantum systems. Olivier Giraud and I. García-Mata.  arXiv:1603.01624. Accepted in Phys. Rev. E

-June: Lyapunov decay in quantum irreversibility. I. García-Mata, A.J. Roncaglia, and D. A. Wisniacki. Published in Phil. Trans. R. Soc. 

- 7 Mar: Figure from Measuring and using non-markovianity appears in "Kaleidoscope" section of Phys. Rev. A.

- 24 Feb: Measuring and using non-markovianity with C. Pineda, T. Gorin. D. Winiacki and D. Dávalos, Published in PRA

- 15 Jan: Measuring and using non-markovianity with C. Pineda, T. Gorin. D. Winiacki and D. Dávalos, Accepted in PRA