Award Approval Guidelines

IEEE Software Award Approval Committee

The 4-member committee for reviewing and approving a new IEEE Software Award is formed by the IEEE Software Awards Chair in consultation with the IEEE Software Editor in Chief. The two de facto members are the IEEE Software Awards Chair and the IEEE Software Editor in Chief. The two additional members are selected and appointed among the IEEE Software Editor Board members and IEEE Software Advisory Board members along with past ICSE SEIP Track Co-Chairs. The term of the two additional committee members is two years (a member is allowed to serve multiple terms but is typically rotated off after one term).

Procedure for Proposing a New IEEE Software Award for an Event

For an event (a new conference track or workshop) that has not been sponsored with an IEEE Software Best Paper Award, a short proposal including the following contents shall be emailed to the IEEE Software Awards Chair, desirably at least 3-6 months before the event:

    • Name of the event
    • Contact person of the proposer team and his/her email address
    • One paragraph documenting the reputation of the event
    • One paragraph documenting the selection process of papers accepted/presented in the event
    • One paragraph documenting the selection process of the best paper award (as the candidate for seeking an IEEE Software Best Paper Award) in the event
    • One paragraph documenting the relevance of the event to industrial practices

For an event (a conference track or workshop) whose past events were sponsored with an IEEE Software Best Paper Award, there is no need to prepare or submit a proposal. Instead, the event organizers should email the the IEEE Software Awards Chair according to the timelines stated here, if the event organizers haven't been contacted by the IEEE Software Awards Chair by the timelines. However, any member of the IEEE Software Award Approval Committee can request the IEEE Software Awards Chair to revisit/review whether the event shall continue to get the award sponsorship. In this case, the IEEE Software Awards Chair will inform the event organizers that the event is treated as a "new" event and event organizers need to follow the procedure above to submit a short proposal for approval.